Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Broad-Billed Hummingbird, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright-free)

  • Today's pic:

    "I know I'm handsome"

  • ForestBoar – around here, 50 to 70 Starlings in the garden is a normal daily number for winter – especially when they rise from their roosts into which they have murmurated in hundreds the evening before!  We had 50 on the first BGBW count day – but not much else at the same time, so they weren’t recorded as we preferred to note our less common visitors the next day!  Many Starlings go back north or to Scandinavia in the spring, so numbers are more likely to fall later in the year!

    Annette – so envious that you can be gardening; we are desperate to do some pruning which didn’t get finished in autumn.

    Diane – good news about the cheque at last – but sorry you are still not well.  Pizza and a sticky bun sounds a good celebration for you!

    Linda – enjoy the film – never even heard of it!  Loved the young coo picture – always think they look like cuddly teddies!

    Quite busy here at the mo - and enjoyed recent visitors: Miri with her parents and then more recently niece and her daughter on their way home from an audition in Glasgow.  Also seem to be back into a run of medical checks in various departments!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OGEarly Man is the latest offering from the Wallace & Gromit film makers. We saw the trailers when going to see the other films recently, and it looks like a lot of fun.

    We get a lot of starlings, being in a countryside setting, but not that many!!   Nice that you have enjoyed your family visitors.

    When I got up today, the sun was shining, but there was a white frost all over the lawn.  Now its being worn away by the bit of winter sun we're having, and there is no wind, so it doesn't seem too cold when going out to feed the birds. They were all so thrilled to see me, though, that they started on eating my offerings even before I got back into the house!

    Not seen WinterWatch from last night, yet, as I recorded it which is just as well, as I went to sleep whilst watching the TV halfway through the evening!

  • LINDA - haven't watched W Watch yet either - looking forward to what they say about Otter family at the distillery as we also have what appear to be Mrs Otter and two Kits at our distillery here (reported on facebook last week)!  Our many Starlings are a part of the big Gretna murmuration.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • "Brendan Cole dropped from Strictly" - about time too - such a rude man!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Had to look him up, OG! I don't often watch Strictly.

    ANNETTE - like OG, I wish that I could get outside and do some garden work. Weeds need clearing (where did they come from?) leaves need sweeping and a bit of pruning not done last year.

    Walked to supermarket this morning, windy but not too cold. AQ - my heart bleeds for you (!) 23 degrees is what we would consider to be summer temps, here...

    DIANE - happy that your cheque has arrived - I'm going to be imagining you with the pizza and cake!

    OG - I attempted to make a stir fry using hoisin sauce today, at lunch time (I eat my main meal at that time, nowadays) I found it rather sweet. Do you make your own sauce? I used a ready made one.

  • HEATHER - J used bought Hoisin Sauce - I think it was labelled for dipping or cooking - and, knowing him, he probably added extra soy and chilli!  He's as bad (or good) as me at adapting recipes to taste!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Busy, busy, here......   Room cleared ready for Eldest to sleep in. He won't get here till 9.30pm so will just have time to ask him about the family etc then he'll go tired to bed, then up early in the morning to go to the Northern office of his firm. (He's in IT).  Then tomorrow, I can put some of the stuff back in the spare bedroom until the decorating's done -  THEN I can put it back in our room, later! Phew!

    My OH got home from golf and immediately changed into his painting clothes, to start as soon as he'd finished lunch. The other day, he said "I feel a bit tired!!!"

  • Heather B said:

    DIANE - happy that your cheque has arrived - I'm going to be imagining you with the pizza and cake!

    Heather: Strawberry and cream cheese sticky buns!

  • OG- I think that soy sauce would have been good to add, with it's savoury saltiness. I have it in the cupboard, should have tasted properly while cooking.

    LINDY- As I've said before, I was always in awe of my OH' s energy and get up and go. I remember describing him as 'frenetic' when we first met. He was in his late sixties, used to jump out of bed, pause to switch on his computer on his way to the bathroom, fly downstairs, swallow his breakfast, dash up to the computer, check whatever whatever online and then out to the garden, bowling, golf,etc. He only stopped to eat!!