Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Masked Boobies with Chick
Tern Island at Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Good Morning.  Wet, damp and grey, here. Today is forecast to be wet all day, so just as well that we'll be too busy with our decorating to notice! My OH is dashing off shortly with the names of two different paint colours, to see if he can come back with at least one of them - we don't have a shop in our town where you can buy that sort of thing so have to go to a B&Q in a nearby town.

    Diane -- Please don't feel so depressed and hopeless about the state of mankind and the way the world is going - I'm sure that Annette was with me in referring to many hundreds of years hence. {HUGS} The state of things has ever been thus, and over my life, anyway, there have been many times when I have been frightened and disturbed by events. But the world goes on. I remember my father looking grim over the Suez crisis, for instance, and also when we were young newly married in the early 70"s, we talked to each other about what we'd do in the event of nuclear war. The world will always face chaotic struggles for power, and upheavals at intervals. I would like to think that one day, all will be peace and harmony, but the very nature of our territorial species prevents this. Leaders will come and go - we love our Queen, who has seen at least 14 Prime Ministers in her lifetime! - she must say "Here comes another one, wonder what mad ideas this one has......!"

  • Oh thanks, Lindy. I wasn't looking for sympathy. I'm fine. I think a lot of people are feeling uneasy in the United States right now. I'm probably just picking up on the collective angst. :-)

  • Good morning, all.  I've been quite busy with my camera over the last few days and I'm now catching up a bit.  If you like grey herons click on this photo to see a few more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Click on this great crested grebe to see the rest of my Abberton photos:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:

    Oh thanks, Lindy. I wasn't looking for sympathy. I'm fine. I think a lot of people are feeling uneasy in the United States right now. I'm probably just picking up on the collective angst. :-)

    I gathered that, Diane. People are uneasy here, too, since there has been a climate of change in political circles. Not always a bad thing! (The change, I mean. Young people see things with new eyes, plus older ones get frustrated by the slowness or complete non enactment of things promised during elections. Twas ever thus.)

  • Well, my OH duly came home with the paint, and has been putting the gloss onto the skirting boards and a cupboard door. It looks alright! -- phew!! It's called chocolate something or other, and is a contrast to the soft biscuit walls and ceiling. We will have to sleep in our twin beds in the centre of the room tonight, so I hope I don't lose my pillow! Also hope I can find my deodorant etc in the morning, as everything has had to be moved.

    Bonnie came in from her walk in the fields yesterday smelling rather pungent, so was washed down, although we never put her totally immersed in water or a bath. She was a bit better after that, but still a bit smelly, so it's a relief that she seems alright today :-)

  • LINDY- will it be OK to sleep in newly painted room? I only ask because youngest daughter and husband are sleeping on a mattress in their sitting room tonight because of the new gloss paint in their bedroom x

  • Thanks for worrying about us, Heather -- the whole room has not been done, yet, as he had to do more of the ceiling before he started on the gloss paint. We have the window open so it's not too strong a smell!

    Had two glasses of white wine with my fish tonight, so I expect to sleep soundly....   Goodnight.

  • Went to our annual Burns' Night supper in a local village. Our minister, who is Scottish, started the trend 4 years ago and it seems to have become an annual event now.   Tatties, Neeps and Haggis with a whisky sauce on the menu with cranachan and other sweets for afters. Lovely meal and lots of dancing - although self isn't up to it now, dancing that is.  Hope you all enjoyed your Burns' night.