Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Masked Boobies with Chick
Tern Island at Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Here too, Forest Boar, but not the last part.  Haggis and Bard will be toasted in fruit juice!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening, all.  If anyone would like to see some lovely photography from the far end of Cornwall I can really recommend looking at this thread (and lots of her previous ones!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I forgot to mention Happy Burns Night to all our Scottish friends.  Not fond of haggis myself, but I'll have the neeps and tatties!

    Friend and I have been to the cinema, to see "The Post" with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. Excellent, and Meryl Streep deserves the accolades already given for this film about the American press, previous to the Watergate scandal.

  • I hate offal so don't eat haggis! OH belonged to local Burns Club so we went every year. Haggis 'piped' in, stabbed ceremonially and all the accompanying odes and speeches! Thankfully there was always a vegetarian option! A lot of folk dribbled whisky over their haggis. Lots of kilts and tartan worn. Mine was limited to my family Macdonald tartan whatever you call it (!) across the body and clan brooch. My father was born in the Highlands and was always more interested in the real history of his clan family rather than what he considered to be Victorian hyped up Scottishism!

    By that I mean fancy highland dress, etc, not Rabbie Burns!
  • PS Thank you, LINDY for the good wishes :-)

  • I'm late. I haven't been on the Internet today. But I hope all of you are enjoying a happy Burns Night. 

  • If anyone on here was freaked out by Diane's story of the venomous shrew in her house you really need to read this story.  This didn't happen too far away from us!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Oh dear, Clare. That's a bad situation for the animals and the area's people. Interesting that the authorities found copperhead snakes. That species is native to the eastern U.S. Over the decades, my family has seen a few on the land I live on. My grandfather taught me what they look like and instructed me not to touch them when I was a very young child. (No one ever hurt them; we just avoided them.)

  • Clare - That's terrible. I was listening on the car radio today to a description of how a young man had been squeezed to death by his pet python. One of the speakers interviewed said that these animals should be banned from being kept in domestic situations.

    My Friend rushed off to a Burns Night Celebration in her local pub - they pipe in the haggis, and say the poetry, and there are several who like to dress up appropriately, although I'm not sure if that means just tartan sashes, or the wearing of kilts!

    Been watching Question Time on the BBC tonight, which has come from Dumfries! - Very lively discussions!

  • Dau phoned last evening; they planned a visit to beach this morn, early before heat & while Toby can be let off leash. She tentatively asked about dropping in. Of course I invited them for lunch. There go my pasties! A batch of sausage rolls are in oven. Toy box in its “usual” spot. All under control. Dau had asked the Trio what they enjoyed most about their visit to the beach last week. Miss6 & Miss J both enjoyed “digging a big hole in the sand”. MissL’s favourite was playing with the soap in Gran’s bath. At home they use liquid soap.