Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Absolutely beautiful photos, Lindy!  You should post more of your stuff on here.  I still remember your lovely raven from one of your holidays!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you DIANE for starting the week!

    I'm so relieved that others have recommended films, PatO. I have happy memories of being taken to the cinema when young - films like ' The Student Prince' and went alone as a teenager to watch classics like 'The Cruel Sea'. I loved South Pacific so much that I did extra chores to earn the money to see it twice!

  • Heather - I think maybe I could claim an entry in the Guinness Book of Records.  I don't know how many times I've seen 'South Pacific' - must be at least a dozen - in the cinema and on television.  I know it all - songs and dialogue - by heart.  They just don't make them like that any more!

    Thank you all for your suggestions.  I saw 'Titanic' - which I didn't enjoy very much.  Too 'twee' for me ... but I did please my friend by sitting through the whole video!  Which I couldn't do with the first 'Harry Potter' film ... I went to bed!  There are some really interesting suggestions there.  Just hope Cathay Pacific can provide them all.  I watch very few films on television, and haven't been to the cinema since ... let me think ... 'The Importance of Being Earnest'.  in 2002!

    I will probably take hundreds of photographs.  Wish I knew how to post them here ... I have already been booked to give three talks once I'm back, so I could be set to bore quite a lot of people!

  • Pat- I've never flown Cathay Pacific but a friend says that they are fantastic :-)

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Absolutely beautiful photos, Lindy!  You should post more of your stuff on here.  I still remember your lovely raven from one of your holidays!

    I still look at those pics myself sometimes, Clare!  It was a great morning, that one! - I talked to a couple of the ravens, and told them how beautiful they were!  Some of them were actually walking around on the ground in the car park, and I worried that they might get run over, as there was a lot of coming and going as cars and coaches tried to manoeuvre their way in. But I needn't have worried - they were noticing when vehicles were in reverse, and skilfully dodging around!  Very intelligent birds.

    Ps -  More pics tomorrow, as I have some from Wales which I never got around to posting.

  • Lindybird said:
    I talked to a couple of the ravens, and told them how beautiful they were!

    That's exactly what I would have done.

    They are clearly very familiar with that car park!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We've been to a relatives for our lunch, where we also saw some old mutual friends who we've not seen for absolutely ages -- so a lot of chatting!  Decided before we got there who was driving home again, so I enjoyed two glasses of white wine with my meal. Yum! Many exclamations on how old all of our children have got all of a sudden, plus the descriptions of coping/and not coping, with modern technologies as we are all getting left behind now.

  • Glad that you enjoyed lunch and company, LINDY!

    Callum came today to clean his car and eldest daughter and husband popped in. He has temporarily fixed the broken wall light in the sitting room. They also took my glass things for recycling. A few wine bottles had stacked up since Christmas, plus condiment jars and jam jars. Youngest family in Elgin have a glass recycling bin which gets collected but here in Inverness, no go. We are constantly being encouraged to recycle but how do folk who don't drive and don't have family etc manage to recycle glass? I do my best to avoid plastic wrapping etc but so many of our favourite things still come in glass jars. Rant over!!!

  • It does seem silly, but it's not the same everywhere. We have one big 'recycle bin' which amazingly takes all of our glass, plastic, tins, aerosols, cardboard and paper. Somehow this all gets sorted out somewhere. I clean everything before it goes in.

    Years ago we used to save up all our glass bottles and jars and take two big boxes of them to the local Tip, ourselves. (By car!) We gave all our tinfoil, including milk bottle tops etc, to a local charity which got paid for it by the kilo.

    Glad you've got your light fitting fixed, Heather.  We've noticed that one of our glass window panes is no longer sealed, and is misting over, in the kitchen. But we've decided to ignore it for now, we can't be bothered to get it fixed right away.

  • Pat ) - probably too late but everyone's picks are good and also "When Harry met Sally" for lots of fun and "Love Actually" and I too loved Close Encounters of the Third Kind  and Independence Day