Diane: I suspect your poor fingers are frozen solid, so started the new thread.  :-)  Do hope your friendly neighborhood critters show up when the temperatures rise.

Check back for lovely pic of Kingfisher (and more) from Clare; Lindybird's Second Christmas and updates on cruises; OG's plans to attend a masked ball - and more!

I drove all over the local neighborhood today: Library; hardware store; charity shop; Bed, Bath and Beyond (looking for towels); Habitat for Humanity's ReStore warehouse; University's hazardous waste center; County electronic recycling center; pet shop, beauty supply shop; and two supermarkets!  Phew!

  • OG: Hope Wednesday is good for your outing. Our cupboards are are all organized, but those boxes in the attic are apparently stuffed with heaven-knows-what "stored" by OH's Mom. Have been through three boxes so far - OH has a lot of shredding to do. I was being silly about the masked ball (never heard of an English ceilidh; sounds like a contradiction in terms).

    AQ: I'd clean up the decorations before the little people arrive - you could end up with an even bigger mess. Do hope the temps moderate soon.

    Heather: No sticking your finger in that damaged outlet!

    Clare: Lovely pix - I swear you get the best poses from these birds!

    Poor people who evacuated during the Thomas fire are now being ordered to evacuate by noon tomorrow due to expected heavy rain in that area. No vegetation at all left on the hills and in the canyons (they hadn't burned in 80 years)and they're expecting mud/debris flows. I moved the bird feeders and patio chairs under the eaves and the potted plants out into the open for a good watering.

    Have a good Monday all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here. Glad to see that Annette could be getting some rain for the garden.

    I'm happy to wake up to a fresh day - yesterday was not one of the best.  After my OH broke the ornament, causing me upset, I then felt hot and went to change from my big sweater which I'd worn on my walk. I felt decidedly "off" after lunch, and then spent half the afternoon visiting the loo as I seem to have eaten something, goodness knows what. During that time I realised that I was only wearing one earring, so one has been lost, possibly when I whipped off my heavy sweater earlier. We've searched but it's nowhere to be seen.

    In the evening I slept through most of our tv watching, so went to bed early. I think I feel OK today so will try some breakfast shortly.

    Sorry you had a problem with the light fitting, Heather - Hope you can replace it if it's one of a pair. (My ornament was something I'd not seen anywhere since I bought it ten years ago, so I may try to get it mended, it's metal).

    Loved your clip of the dog, Annette!!

  • Good morning

    I'm sorry, LINDY that you are unwell and hope that things are better this morning as you thought.

    Bright but cold here.

    ANNETTE - I wonder what you will find in all those boxes! Could be interesting.

    The broken light fitting survived the night and so did I. A son in law will come at some point to assess the chances of repairing it. it matches the other wall lights and also the ceiling light - none of them are liked by me so this may be an opportunity to replace them.

    Amy is unwell today - looks like a tummy bug. The diabetes team have recommended that she have an injection to stop her being sick, as her ketone levels are rising. Eldest daughter has a day off today so she will take Amy to the GP surgery. If at all possible the team don't want her attending A and E.....

    OG - Enjoy your day out on Wednesday - is a hospital appointment included or are you just visiting out of curiosity? I can't imaging that with all the bugs around just now that it would be the latter!

  • Yup - just going to assess the lie of the land for car parking and access at the new hospital so we know the best line of approach for my next appointment there!  also a reason to go out if possible!  Enjoying lovely sunshine from the warmth of indoors right now - more white frost today, but temp not quite so low!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Now you say it, makes sense, OG! You must have cabin fever by now, I would imagine. The sun is shining here and temp is rising. House so cold this morning. I can't decide what to do - whether to leave the heating on at night or not. My head says leave it on and then the boiler won't have to work as hard in the morning. This house is poorly insulated except for the upper loft. - all the dormer windows and the little sitting room at the back (flat roof) don't help. The fairly large conservatory is shut until the Spring.

    All windows are double glazed.
  • Sun is shining, here: as OG says, it makes it warm indoors if you've got it coming in through the window. Been out on errands but had to scrape the frost off Ruby first! I am enjoying driving her - she is so easy to park in a busy car park, after coping with the big estate car before.

    Heather, we only have the heating on all night if it's minus 10 degrees.  Normally, I set it to come on approx half an hour before we are stirring in the morning. This seems to work - we have warm duvets and only shut the bedroom window if it's blowing hard! 

    OG - Hope you can soon be out and about, but as Heather says, not where there might be germs. The girl who served me in the supermarket was sniffling and blowing her nose, so I washed my hands as soon as I got home....

    I feel alright now, just a bit weary. We have both searched the floors in the house and will not hoover them for a couple of days, just in case t he earring turns up. Those of you who read my ramblings on here will remember that's not the first time I've lost an earring! - I seem to be making a habit of it :-(

  • Sorry about Amy, Heather. I didn't think before but of course it must be worrying when she is unwell and has to keep track of her levels. Hope she is better soon.

    If you really don't like the light fittings, why not take the opportunity to change the style and have a new look? This could be the nudge to make you make the change.

  • Good afternoon from a cold Suffolk. I met up with some friends for a walk at Snape - a nice 3 mile or so along the river wall and into the woods. Managed over 9000 steps so feel pleased with myself. It is currently 4 degrees - real feel 1 degree and we are expecting a hard frost tonight.. Stay warm and well all.

  • LINDY- I also have a collection of single earrings:-(

    I might well change the lights. Maybe yes, the nudge that I need. I've learnt to be patient, my dear OH preferred to see money saved rather than money spent. If I'm honest, I learnt a lot from him!