Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 December 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sunday is the Full Moon, and it's a so-called Supermoon (the full moon near lunar perigee). 

Here's a Cooper's Hawk like Annette has in her garden. I thought of her when I saw this photo.

Cooper's Hawk
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • I should have added that the little dog is fine now. 

    Annette: The Supermoon last night was glorious!

  • It was cloudy here. No sign of the moon. Apparently, (according to the news last night) there will be two full moons next month.  A wolf moon?  Diane will know.

    Glad the little dog is fine now, Diane.

  • Couldn't see the supermoon last night because of the cloud.  However, there are sometimes advantages in waking up early - saw it around 6.00am this morning and it was indeed 'super'.  

    I think the second of two full moons in one month is a blue moon - but I could be wrong.

  • Pat O said:
    I think the second of two full moons in one month is a blue moon - but I could be wrong.

    I find myself thinking of that scene in Grease whenever I think of a Blue Moon.  Sorry.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather: Younger stepdaughter helps us three afternoons a week – normally. Older stepdaughter cannot drive during chemo so younger has to do chauffeuring for her. All is a compromise at the moment! We are coping at the moment. Also the cottage down the road is now hers so we look to a new future after all this is over. One more appointment at Cheltenham hospital then an appointment with the consultant at the end of January and decisions. Currently we are looking at no chemo or radio and staying on these tablets for life. Fortunately OH is not suffering any side effects.

    To be fair the Gloucestershire Trust works very wellish once cancer is involved.

  • Haven’t been lazy – just busy.   Thought Sat I had caught the family cold, but it only lasted overnight and most of Sunday, not bad for someone with impaired immunity when the other two have had it over a week!  Today I made a first batch of mince pies and finished sealing and labelling all the Christmas cards; OH will post most of the cards tomorrow so they are out of the way.  I shall start a couple of fruit cakes – boiled mixture, so actual baking the next day; these aren’t specially for Christmas, just handy to have in the freezer.  Been ordering even more things online, but it looks as if we may get a day with lunch out later this week, even though there is very little left to buy!  To answer Heather’s comment last week, I have to plan things in advance due to my immobility and being in a rural area!

    Been reading all the comments, but no time to reply to all individually.  Just to say it’s good that ForestBoar has help and a schedule of possibilities to follow through re OH’s health.  I had radiotherapy after my WLE op, but no chemo as the surgeon thought I had too many other health issues to tolerate.

    Re Christmas songs discussion – “Fairytale of New York” is among my favourites!  I also sang in the School Choir – Music Teacher was allowed by the Head to enter us in competitions –“so long as they are going to win”!  Orchestra too.

    Heather – our decorations will go up on Sat 16th – so when we come home from Sunday Lunch at the Old Toll Bar, it will not be to a bare house!  I don’t usually like to see them around for more than two weeks, gathering dust!

    Annette – the supermoon was amazing last evening – even J videoed it!  Came close to the best I ever saw, when we were passing Grangemouth on the motorway one time, and saw it rise over the refineries and chemical works there!

    Diane – sorry about your little doggie friend – pleased to see he is fine after his experience.

    Sorry this is such a muddled post – can’t seem to sort my ideas logically this evening!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:

    It was cloudy here. No sign of the moon. Apparently, (according to the news last night) there will be two full moons next month.  A wolf moon?  Diane will know.

    Glad the little dog is fine now, Diane.

    It is going to be a Wolf Moon - heard that on tv this morning. Last night's was a Cold Moon. Not sure what the one at the end of January will be!

  • I think that might be the blue one, Lindy.

  • I'd love to know how all these moons came to be so named.  I do find it a bit sad that it's going to be a Wolf Moon when we no longer have any wild wolves.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • A warning story about the poor dog, Diane. Glad he's OK.

    My Friend had a dog who ate all kinds of things - once they took a big piece of a wooden handle from a handbrush from his stomach, and at other times he ate various odd things, and was often at the vets.