Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), October 15, 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn week. The New Moon (Dark Moon) is Thursday. 

Coyote in the Cattails
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • I can start the new thread this evening, although it might be a little late.

    Diane: I'm going to hear Joe Biden speak at a UCSB event this afternoon.

  • Unknown said:

    Nice pix Lindy. it's amazing to think of all the early explorers who went sailing off across the oceans in those tiny ships, not  knowing what they'd find or even if they'd make it back home....  

    I know, they were so brave about it. Whenever I've seen a real wooden ship, or a replica, I've always been aghast at the tiny size of them.

  • No worries, Annette. I'll start the thread. I'm just sitting here working. I hope you enjoy, Joe. I suspect he'll be the Democratic Party candidate in 2020. He wouldn't be my choice, but I think he'll be the one the party chooses. 

  • I am enjoying your travels, Lindy. Lovely pics. We went to Madeira several years ago and it seems much more 'built up' now.

    I remember going on a lavada walk. (not sure if spelled correctly) It was quite strenuous. Someone had fallen over the edge not long before we were there. My OH was a nervous wreck at times. I am surprised I got him there at all! He doesn't like heights. He found it interesting, though, learning about the water channels.

    Heather must know about those.

    Annette,  It will be very interesting listening to Joe Biden.

  • Hi folks.   Not been on all week so hope all of you are keeping well.

    Just caught your latest pics Lindy. Lovely to see them and hear of your adventures in Madeira.   We have still not found a cruise we like yet so will probably go into our local travel agents and see what they can come up with.   We only have a limited budget and although there are a reasonable amount of 7 day cruises we really want a 10/14 day one instead of feeling that no sooner have you departed these shores than you are back again.

    The family home is still a shambles inside and the landlord was given a writ by the council to finish 52 jobs relating but nothing has happened yet and it doesn't look like it will for some time.  2 years now my brother has been waiting for the improvements to be finished. As  you can gather he feels very stressed but has a very patient partner who is trying to keep him calm!!

    Nothing much is happening here, we are plodding on as usual.

    Take care all, stay safe with Storm Brian on the loose.