WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey), 8 October 2017

Welcome to a new week from a sunny spring afternoon in Adelaide.

  • Thank you for starting the week AQ. I hope the library a is cool place.

    Happy Birthday, Dibnlib. Enjoy your day.

    Lindy,   Do you have a tall OH, or low ceilings? We need a stepladder to change our bulbs. (but we are both short)

    Good luck with the grapevine, Heather, but don't let it prey on your mind. Just do what you feel  capable of.

    I had a cream carpet in one  of our houses. Nightmare! but it does look nice.

    I hope all is well with Diane and Annette.

  • Yes, ROSY, maybe DIANES power is out. It isn't that we rely on her to start the week, it is just when a change in pattern happens, we ponder as to the cause.

  • Rosy - A tall OH, or low ceilings!! LOL!  - both really, plus the light fitting is one of those three bracket things with the lights lowered down from the ceiling. We looked in our capacious cupboard in the garage for a replacement bulb, but have nothing the same in spite of having many different bulbs in there. The ones in use are some of the early environmental candle bulbs so I suppose have done very well in terms of time. We'll now have to look for something similar and may replace all three, as you can see them through the glass shades.

    Went for a walk, wearing wellies, as there are so many muddy puddles everywhere after all the rain we've had. Of course,  Bonnie went in every puddle we found!

    Had a nice lunch of cold chicken from our roast dinner last night, and with salad including our own yummy tomatoes. Found a Christmas card making kit I bought months ago with the idea that I should make them in the summer, but of course have not had time. Maybe I should just get going now, before the other preparations overtake me.

    I do hope Diane is OK, and just busy.

  • Thank you for more birthday wishes.  We are not long back from our lunch out. It was our first visit to "Table Manors" and it certainly will not be our last.  It was a wow experience.  Half way through the meal I explained it was on our list of places to eat and that we finally made it because of my birthday.  They very kindly deducted my wine and OHs beer from the bill. How good is that!!! Off to Eden Court in an hour or so.  This has been a great birthday weekend.

  • Hi all: I"m sill MIA I'm afraid, but this cold really wiped me out, aggravated by jet lag and all the associated to-ing and fro-ing before and after the flight!  Anyway, gravity is working its magic with head now clear (physically anyway) but chest wheezy and achy. Soooo tiresome but very tolerable when you consider what some other people are going through.  Just resting a lot.....

    AQ Thanks for starting us off.

  • Lindy, start on those cards now!  Every year I vow to start Christmas preparations early.  Every year I am panicking in mid-December.  I get the impression you are probably far more disciplined than I am ... so an early start will pay dividends later.  I have bought a few presents already ... I started in June when I was in Scotland.  But I expect there will still be the annual panic.  Why don't I learn?!?!?

  • Annette - Poor you {{HUGS}} - that's a miserable way to be. Hope you can get lots of rest, and soon recover.

    Pat - Ah, well. As in a lot of things, I'm a bit divided. On the one hand I have been known to buy things for the following Christmas, at Christmas! But however I tackle it, I'm always left with buying things at almost the last minute by my family, who don't tell me what they'd like until I'm desperate to know. I used to make my cards every July but it's slipped over the last few years, and become an October or November thing. I still have an annual panic!!

    Heather - I've been thinking of you, tackling the grapevine. Hope all went well.

    Off to bed now, much later than I meant to be....  Night All.

  • Good  Morning, Everyone.  Slightly cloudy here, and everything's damp.

    Have lots on my To Do List today, so off I go to make a start.....

    Have a good Monday, All.

  • For this week’s stained glass, we are back in the former Keith Congregational church, now home to National Trust; new windows created by locals, featuring wattle, gum blossom & a few others.