Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 September 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

When I was young, I spent a lot of time on the Gulf coast of Florida. My then-husband had family there. I so loved watching the Gulf wildlife. Tonight, the area where I explored the wild is under a mandatory evacuation order. It's expected to be hit hard by the massive Hurricane Irma. (For perspective: Irma is bigger than France.) My thoughts are with the people and the wildlife throughout the southeast U.S.

Manatee, Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, Florida USA
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • LINDY    Do't you just want to cuddle that baby.

    skeins of geese starting to fly over us now. What a lovely sight and sound.

  • Lindy: I hope you have a wonderful time and a safe trip. Hope your holiday is everything you wish it will be!!!

  • Annette: Thanks for the Cassini news! Hope you're okay. I know you're busy getting ready to travel.

  • Thanks, Diane!  -- Hope you've caught up on your sleep. We saw an item on the Cassini and how it's going to meet its demise, on our News. Wonderful pics of Earth as a tiny dot in the distance - how small we are!

    Dibnlib:  only seen geese in the distance since I was last thrilled by a fly over our garden. I do love them! - I always wonder what they're saying to each other!

    Annette - Have a great time on your trip!

  • OG   Glad the physio is going well, if tiring.

    LINDY   great true to life poem.    Answer the phone and if it is telesales just put the phone  down leaving it off the hook and let them talk to themselves. 

    Off for another swim, that will be 6 swims in 8 days so pleased with myself. OH starts nearly 3 weeks hols tomorrow so we plan to get out with Benson as much as the weather will permit, so might not get a lot of swims done. Benson will be in his element as he just loves the car.

  • Good morning -

    OG - When I read your post last night my first thought was that I was happy that you'd received help from the physio and felt encouraged. My second thought was that I wasn't surprised that you felt tired. Beans - which must be a labour of love given your painful wrists and hands, church lunch, physio. Hope that you slept well and feel better today.

    ANNETTE - we shall miss you when you are in UK but being entirely selfish I'm thinking that you may keep in touch if you take a device?!

    LINDY - loved the poem! Sums it all up really. The aging brain... More than that, though, the ability to laugh at ourselves when we do silly things. Life is far too short to take ourselves too seriously, methinks :-) Have a wonderful holiday. I agree with you about the trousers etc for evenings. I used to take just a couple or three pairs of  - for want of a better word - flowing and usually black. Then quite a few (!) tops that rang the changes. As for shoes and sandals - yes, I've been known to sneak them into hand baggage and when flying, always wear the heaviest shoes and clothes that I can to save luggage weight. I'm sure that is pretty universally done. I see plenty of heavy jackets when lining up for security check.

    Not sure what to do today, it is dull and coolish here. Thoughts about the garden are still troubling me, especially in the wakeful hours. The front cypress hedge is now so wide, despite twice yearly trimming, that I will probably get it taken out and at the same time redesign (or get someone else to) the front garden to make it more low maintenance. Yes, it will cost money but I read somewhere, years ago, that we should look at the garden as we do rooms in the house and be prepared to invest the same kind of money. I just have to keep saying that - my new mantra!

    AQ - I'm going to google your intended places. Good on you to tick the box :-)

    DIBNLIB - well done on the swims. I'm hoping that you and OH will have some fairly decent weather so that the three of you can get out and about over the next three weeks.
  • Oh no, not again. My thoughts are with the people in London.

  • Annette -   I hope you have a good and uneventful journey. You have a long way to travel. And of course, have a great time when you get here.

    Have I missed when you are actually travelling?

  • AQ - Thank you. Not sure exactly what is happening but they are treating it as potentially terrorist.

  • It sounds relatively minor - having said that, it could have been life threatening.