It is the 1st September and the osprey season is all but over. It has gone very quickly.It was a very sad year for Loch Garten. Everything was going very well until Odin disappeared on 18th May. This led to the loss of the chicks. Then on July 14 EJ disappeared too. Her fate is unknown. So there is great uncertainty for next year as it is not known quite what is expected.
Dyfi has been very successful this year with three very healthy juveniles already on the way south.
Glaslyn has got three male juveniles all ready to migrate. Also birds hatched in 2014 (Blue 9C) and 2015 (Blue W0) were spotted back in Britain.
Bassenthwaite has three fledged chicks this year.
Manton Bay had one of its chicks disappear early and it is not clear if it migrated or not.
Kielder has done well with 9 chicks flying south. Two of these are carrying GSM transmitters.
Loch of the Lowes has two juveniles this year.
The high point of the year for me was the translocation of eight young ospreys to Poole harbour.
Tiger Signature
Pandy said: Breathtaking!
It shows what you can do with a drone.
Hazel b said: Now it it looking north or south?
Now it it looking north or south?
I'd say it is looking South. The Loch is on the South side of the road and that is visible in the lower left corner of the picture. Map
Birdies LG DU update.
I agree, Mike. You can see the road on the left hand site, and above it near the entrance to the car park you can see the island in the loch, just off the shore. My snip of GE is looking south.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Now another little puzzle.
First, thanks to Tiger, who posted this osprey artwork on the Dyfi Facebook page. It's from a series of Royal Mail stamps commemorating reintroduced species, which will be issued in April 2018.
But is it based on a real osprey, and if so, which one? I have my own theory, but will see whether anyone else comes up with it.
Delighted to see that the osprey will feature on a stamp. I'll be buying quite a few!
I asked a similar question to Roy Dennis
I thought this his was a very knowing reply.
Whether Roy is being tongue-in-cheek or not, he is correct in saying that the ring "looks like" 2E.
I think I have now found the photo on which the stamp is based, which confirms my theory.
Unknown said: Tiger Whether Roy is being tongue-in-cheek or not, he is correct in saying that the ring "looks like" 2E. I think I have now found the photo on which the stamp is based, which confirms my theory.
Might the bird actually have a white ring?
No, white on black as shown, though bear in mind, you can only see part of the initial number. The artist (or Royal Mail) has made one important change though, which I think has misled you.
I did a magnification and a 90 degree turn