Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 August 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Young American Kestrel
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thanks for all your news. Love the South Stack pics, Clare.

    Not a lot happening down here.   Thinking of those caught up in the Tropical storm in Texas which now forecasters are saying, is heading towards Louisiana. Stay safe.

    Nights are drawing in down here, lights go on around 8pm depending on brightness outside.

    Lindy - love the pics.

    Diane - sounds like good advice for those in vulnerable positions re downsizing etc.

  • OG: That's a great age for your auntie. Good genes!

    The week has been full of bizarre mishaps. The tone was set early on when OH and I popped a bottle of wine in the freezer for half an hour Sunday night - then forgot about it. Monday morning I found it shattered, with chunks of glass and wine icicles dangling from shelves and slithering down packages of frozen foods. Lovely clean up job!  Today, OH and I were halfway through a phone call and rolling our eyes at each because the person on the other end wasn't making any sense when we suddenly realized we'd called the wrong company!  We mumbled about how helpful he had been before hanging up quickly and falling about laughing. And it's still only Wednesday!

    Have a good Thursday all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here, now, after a stormy night! -- We went to bed, then were woken just after midnight by thunder, followed by driving rain. Later, when all was calm, it suddenly started all over again!

    Annette -- What a shame you didn't get to drink the wine....  We live in fear of doing that, as we sometimes put wine in there for ten minutes ourselves. Meant to say, that regarding sis-in-law: the original flat she saw was in a so called 'sheltered' community, where you each have your own flat but have instant access to assistance plus things like a communal lounge and a courtesy bus. It was rather isolated, though, out in the country. The flat she has her eye on now is in the centre of a village in a not long built development where a small factory unit was torn down and replaced by mixed housing, flats and maisonettes It's not tagged as "retirement" housing so she would be surrounded by all ages, and only yards from some small shops - ideal.

  • Here's today's pic:

    No comment!!!

  • LOL!!!!  That's hilarious, Lindy.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Lindy.

  • Many happy returns, Lindy, from both of us!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you, bjane for your kind words and ideas for the garden. Yes, you have remembered correctly. I don't want to rush in and change the garden until I can do it objectively and sensibly. Take care.

  • LINDY - happy birthday!

    ANNETTE - I did that with a bottle of limoncello, years ago.... As for the phone call we could call that a senior moment! My brother visited an optician here a few years ago, got an eye test but didn't buy. On his last visit here in the Spring he took himself off to the shop he thought he had visited the previous time and insisted that he was right and they were wrong. Only when he got home here and I put him right did he concede.

    OG - I'm thinking that you will have had some of the new tatties last night?

  •               HAPPY BIRTHDAY

                    To LINDA

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!