Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 August 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Young American Kestrel
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • aquilareen said:

    Yes Linda, I did have a great time. One of the best weekends, even if it was mostly ruins & "Seen better days".

    "Thumbs Up!"  AQ  ---  I can't stop, am packing to go away today...

  • Have a safe trip and a good holiday, Lindy! 

  • What wise and very thoughtful words Diane - they hit home with me as I am feeling guilt over my Daughter - that it was my decision to move to Suffolk in 2015 and although I asked her to move with me she wanted to stay in Surrey and although she was 30 by then, she hadn't lived on her own before.. However I can hear her saying "That's enough of that Mum!"  As an aside I bought a second-hand Poetry book the other and a small bookmark fell out that says

    Look backward with Gratitude, look onward with Hope, Look upward with Confidence. That is my new Mantra.

  • Good afternoon, all.  When Limpy and I were in Wales we made it to South Stack.  Click on this utterly stunning corvid to see a few more photos:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • FANTASTIC photographs as usual, Clare.  Thank you.  Somewhere else to go on my wish-list ...

  • In breeding season they have puffins, razorbills and guillemots.  We were too late to see any of those but to be honest the choughs were quite enough!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We've arrived safely, on some very busy roads this afternoon. Sitting waiting for our M&S dinner to cook in the oven, as the sun sends out some final rays across the grass.

    All is OK here, except that our grandson Matthew has left us a farewell gift from their holiday here a couple of weeks ago, of fingerprints on all the windows and a smudgy fireplace!!  -  But I don't mind!

  • Thanks for the super photos of your South Stack visit, Clare and Limpy!!  You obviously had a wonderful day there, and your pictures convey it very well. I loved seeing the choughs, as although I went to South Stack many years ago, I wasn't interested in the birds at the time. Now I want to get over there myself!

  • It's a brilliant place.  It took us less than two and a half hours to drive there from near Dyfi - it was really worth it!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Evening all:  Is that the light at the end of the tunnel or is it the train coming?  :-)  Busy as heck here; hoping to surface by the end of the week with all kinds of things organized.

    Just ghastly footage from Houston.  So many people have lost everything, but at least they seem to have sufficient shelters - for now, although the longterm effects are daunting. I was also reading that they're flying animals already in area shelters out of the city to make room for those pets affected by the hurricane. Many are being cared-for at facilities set up for them, but there wwere some heartbreaking imagse of animals that had been abandoned (and thankfully rescued by reporters, rescuers, etc.,) but there were some larger animals that were left behind.  Awful.

    Lindybird: Hope the weather is good for your time in Wales - and nobody minds messy mementos from grandkiddies.  Amber is lovely! What big blue eyes.  :-)  Had to smile at Annabel's limited wardrobe;  clearly Amber is more concerned with what's inside than outside!  :-)   I admire your SiL's decision, but not sure I'd want to be in an age-restricted community . Still.....it does give one pause for thought.  I love that rose!  

    Harelady: You have to wonder what's behind those serendipitous "messages" that suddenly appear.  

    PatO: Good to see you.

    AQ: Ha!  Waiting for the bar to open!  :-)   Is there water at the bottom of that tank/well?    What's that brick building without the roof?  Interesting about those pews in the Daw Park chapel that reverse for Catholic/Anglican services; I've never head of that before...  Was that clapboard church converted to a private residence?

    Clare: What a handsome corvid - coordinated at both ends. I can barely manage that myself  :-)

    Rather warm here, but our proximity to the ocean is keeping us more comfy than the folks over the hills behind us.   Must go back to organizing the world...

    Have a good Wednesday all.