Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 August 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Young American Kestrel
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good morning, Lindy!

    I'd like to wish this very friendly thread a very happy EIGHTH birthday!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    Good morning, Lindy!

    I'd like to wish this very friendly thread a very happy EIGHTH birthday!

    Good grief!  -- is it?  That's an awful lot of posts!!

  • Isn't it just!  I would what Annette would have thought back then if someone had told her how permanent this thread would be.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Is it really eight years - amazing!  But we always have had a lot to say!  So, good morning from me, and here's to the next eight!

    Another dry day - after a shower yesterday evening (which saved having to water the beans!).  OH shopping now, then we need to pick more beans and courgettes to freeze, before blood tests appt this afternoon.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Our beans are coming to an end, now, OG. The strawberries were disappointing this year, and a cherry tree which I gave to my OH as a present once has grown and produced fruit, but the birds ate every single one before he realised they were ripe enough!

    We had a good meal last night - no starters, to leave room for pud!! I had slow braised lamb in cranberry & onion gravy, which worked surprisingly well. My OH had a lamb shank, which he sent the message back to the kitchen was "the best I've ever had!". Both of our lamb dishes were well cooked and tender. Then I had Belgian waffles with "honeycomb ice cream" and drizzled with butterscotch sauce (too sweet, but yummy all the same)  and he had apple and raspberry crumble with custard. The whole meal was great, although we had a long wait for our first course in a very busy room, with families having a last meal before the end of a holiday, I should guess.

  • Quiet on here, today....

    We've had a "pottering about" day here, with a few small jobs needing looking at - my OH checking the washers on a dripping tap, etc., and both of us doing some weeding of our tiny patch. I got the cleaning bug and cleaned out a few of the kitchen cupboards. Then we sat in the sunshine for a while. Went for a walk to see how many youngsters the local swans have managed to raise this year. Two years ago she only had two left by the end of summer, but last year they had a mind boggling set of six!!  Anyway, this year I was thrilled to see that they'd managed five offspring. (photos later).

    It's been dry and the sun has come out between the clouds. Tomorrow should be good weather wise, so we've decided to stay for the day and then return home by evening.

  • Did someone say apple and raspberry crumble with custard? Sign me up!

    Lindybird: 8 years! Amazing. As OG says, Here's to another 8 - at least.

    Busy and really hot and muggy here today. Poor girl next door is 8.5 months pregnant and I can't imagine how she's coping in this weather. Ugh. Meanwhile, was out doing some early watering of a couple of puny plants this morning and the lady across the road came over to chat. The kids up the road a bit had a big party last week that started getting really loud (huge amplifiers, guitars, etc) right about the time things are supposed to quieten down around here (10 pm)  We've had LOTS of experience over the years with this house but it's been pretty quiet recently. They're nice enough young adults, but no real grown ups live on the premises. (This is the house where one of their visitors rammed our parked car after leaving a party there back in January or so.) Anyway, I waited until gone 11 to call the sheriff and ask that they do a drive-by, but the lady (age 55)  across the road had a better idea. She apparently went to the house in her pajamas and slippers, took along her dog, and announced nicely that since she couldn't sleep (as in "fight 'em), she'd join 'em. She sat down and started chatting, asking where they went to school, how old they were (under age drinking alert!!), etc. and gradually they started melting away into the night. :-) Unfortunately (for the kids), this is a family neighborhood with lots of kiddies and working parents and others who have Things to Do. (Not to mention cranky old retirees who shall remain nameless.)

  • I don't think I would risk invading a young people's party. Who knows what substances were being passed around and how they would react.

  • Last weekend’s trip – if I can remember LOL. We left city 8 am. We chose our lunch & dinner and one of our tutors phoned the totals, so all would be ready. The other tutor began explaining a few things. (The tour was Ghost Towns beyond the Line – the line being Goyder’s Line of Rainfall, beyond which rainfall is unreliable.) He said if we were expecting the supernatural, we would be disappointed. If we were expecting lots of coffee shops, we would be disappointed. If we were expecting toilets, we would be disappointed. Most of the “towns” we were visiting consist now of a few ruins, and certainly no facilities. As always there were a goodly number of regulars who responded to the “disappointment” with comments and jokes. I wonder what the newbies thought. Morning coffee at Riverton.

    Somewhere between Saddleworth & Manoora crops of wheat & canola in flower.