WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 6,2017

Lindybird: I love the idea of the Country Living tent - I could probably do a lot of $$$ damage there!

ForestBoar:  Thanks for clarifying. Hope daughter can move there sooner than later.

Lynette: Ghastly situation for your bro with contractors peering in the windows.  What a nerve!!  My niece is going to Dorset (I had to Google Durdle Door) within the next couple of weeks with friends to look for fossils (they apparently got the correct tools after a previous trip!).  I read Remarkable Creatures and loved it. I thought they were going to make a movie of it, but haven't been able to find if it was actually made. Love the idea of an ice cream farm!  :-)

Take care all.

  • Morning all:

    OG: Don't you hate it when you feel tired, go to bed, and wake up feeling just the same or even worse.  Hope a day of taking it easy makes a difference.

    Clare: Good to see people out defending wildlife. Does the issue get much coverage in between annual gatherings I wonder.

    Lindybird: Thanks for more lovely photos (not forgetting the chipmunk, which we've seen in our garden). Will send some $$$ for you to buy me something craft and unique at the next RHS.  :-)

    AQ:  Hope no floods in those hills; veggie soup sounds good on a cold wet day.

    Off to start the day.

  • Unknown said:
    Good to see people out defending wildlife. Does the issue get much coverage in between annual gatherings I wonder.

    It doesn't get much coverage full stop.  The annual killing season starts on Saturday........grrrrrrrrr.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Grrrr  ....   makes my blood boil, Clare....

  • Annette -  You would adore the Craft Tent -  I will have to take some photos of that, next time, LOL!!

    It makes my credit cards itch when I'm in there.  I do sometimes see something to buy as a unique Christmas present for someone.

  • Thanks, LINDA!  Loved the veg and the "exotics"; could do without the Lilies - made me sneeze!  Also contact allergy to Streptocarpus!  But would have loved to see them and walk by as far away as possible.  Also liked that way of displaying Alpines, although not sure they are the right subject for bright red frames.

    ANNETTE - this afternoon, taking it easy has entailed trying to buy a wheelchair online!  Loads of choices involved, thought I had what I wanted, then website stopped working!  Uurgh!  Will have to try tomorrow in office hours.  I have decided to give in and get one for transfers to and from car when necessary.

    CLARE - a lot of coverage of Hen Harriers up here because of the Langholm Moor project, but we are fighting a losing battle against Grouse Moor owners and gamekeepers all over Scotland.  Neighbour across road will be setting off with his trained "shooting dogs" for the "Glorious 12th" next weekend.  Why does anyone want to kill anything?  (probably no printable answer!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry, I have been a real old grumpy today!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well, it certainly isn't the "Glorious 12th" for the grouse. I have to admit tasting it at a function many years ago. It was not to my liking at all, so never again.

  • Unknown said:

    Sorry, I have been a real old grumpy today!

    LOL OG!!  -- We're all allowed to grump!  

    Hope you can find a good 'transfer chair' - there must be many to choose from.

    I've got five Streptocarpus, didn't know you could be allergic to them. 

    (My tablet just decided to put "Stradivarius", LOL!! -- if I had five of them, I'd be off to live in Barbados for the winter!!)

  • My OH climbed a tall ladder (frightening me to death in the process!) to pick some of our apples before they fall from the tree and become damaged fruits. He passed some of the apples down to me, then exclaimed "There's a nest here, with a chick in it!!"  ---  It was a collared dove, which I suppose breed all summer. We have had a pair of them around for a couple of years, but had no idea they were nesting.

  • Further to my visit to Campfield Marsh and the Solway Firth on June 30th, here are some more photos.  I stayed overnight in a lovely little place near Ecclefechan - as I woke up too early for breakfast I decided to head out with my camera.  It felt really cold - more like November 1st rather than July 1st!  My overnight hosts clearly liked birds as there were various feeders about.

    This pied wagtail already had its breakfast.

    Starlings forming an orderly queue for once!

    A house sparrow flaunts its breakfast.  I was quite hungry by this time.

    One of the friendly locals.

    This young blue tit tries to suss the concept of barbed wire.  Awwwwwww.

    A beautiful great spotted woodpecker heads up the telegraph pole.

    These two were less than impressed I hadn't come to feed them.

    All fluffed up and looking adorable.

    This hole was deliberately left under the roof for birds to nest in.

    I hope you all like these!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.