This is the beginning of a running thread of the off-season LG Nest Observation Thread until EJ's return next Spring. She may be on holiday or perhaps she is taking a leisurely route with long layovers, investigating nearby territories. God speed her to her wintering grounds and back to our eyes in 2018. With a bit of luck and good timing, EJ the Wise and Magnificent could oust the youngsters CT6 and apparent beau Twiggy from taking over her property.
Please post any notable observations here in the off-season. For more of this season's information on this nest, please see BNN's DU Summaries for 2017.
Photos of EJ fishing on July 14th (last day she was seen) at Aviemore Lochan, posted on FB by Dave Joicey, perhaps taken by Lynne Joicey.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Morning all, what a great idea this thread is. It was getting to the stage that I was repeating myself every day. So sad to see absoutley nothing happening. What will happen, I wonder. Lovely day here, sun is out for now away for lunch with friends today, SYAL.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Hello everyone. ENS, of course, another still day, with barely a blade of grass moving until there is a mini-gust which catches a piece of dead grass in the foreground. A light plane passes in the distance. In fact nothing at all to report really, not even a visit by the chaffinch flock. Where is everyone - the chaffinch, the tits, the redstart, even the night visits of the pine marten, let alone all the previously intruding osprey?
Another passing plane
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
I have passed on the request re a daily report so I guess we must wait and hope.
I am told there was nothing to report yesterday!
Birdies LG DU update.
Black cam, interference uninterrupted - rebooting? WELCOME :)
Mike B said:I have passed on the request re a daily report
Thanks, MIKE! :)
And the cam in scanning the locale ;)))
EDIT - just sat in one place at the mo:
They had a 3-point-something earthquake in the western Highlands :o
Now touring the desolation ;)
12.11 and panning again.
and returned to the long side view of the nest
I possibly heard a buzzard in the distance, but there is very little movement, let alone bird life.
scylla said: They had a 3-point-something earthquake in the western Highlands :o
Small birds are flitting around the nest. Sound only, visual too far away! Sod's Law