Loch Garten Nest 2017 *Observations Thread*

This is the beginning of a running thread of the off-season LG Nest Observation Thread until EJ's return next Spring. She may be on holiday or perhaps she is taking a leisurely route with long layovers, investigating nearby territories. God speed her to her wintering grounds and back to our eyes in 2018. With a bit of luck and good timing, EJ the Wise and Magnificent could oust the youngsters CT6 and apparent beau Twiggy from taking over her property.

Please post any notable observations here in the off-season. For more of this season's information on this nest, please see BNN's DU Summaries for 2017.

Photos of EJ fishing on July 14th (last day she was seen) at Aviemore Lochan, posted on FB by Dave Joicey, perhaps taken by Lynne Joicey.

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • I can't argue with that Mary but as one door closes another opens. The Poole Harbour Translocation chicks are due for release any day now..subject to weather.

    Back in 1996 the same thing was happening at Rutland and look where that has taken us and continues to do so.

  • Mike it is still playing for me on the You Tube screen. 

    EDIT: Cancel that, I am getting the burling wheel now :-)

  • Mary, I've just checked on the Carnyx site and the You Tube goes to buffer within seconds?

  • Crossed posts. Yes same for me and no VLC

  • Seasons come and go. The fascination  persists.

  • Agree with your Mary.   Its the not knowing which is worse.   To have vanished after she was defending and chasing CT has certainly left us in limbo.   Especially leaving a half eaten fish on the nest.   If only she had shown herself after that.    Odin sadly I do not hold out hope for.    EJ is wise and formidable and I am hoping that her survival instincts kicked in and that she will be back with force in March taking on the world again.  

  • Very little wind this morning

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • An over passing light aircraft of helicopter  10.42

    Very well said, Mary (earlier this morning).   Indeed it is the worst and saddest year at LG for me. 

    I started writing what was basically a history of LG covering the nest since I began following it in 2007, but you can of course read all about it on here with all its ups and downs.  We have shared many  rides on the roller-coaster of a ride together, what with the glorious 2016 success after the failed nests of 2015.  The sadness of not one returning chick that we know of, unless any of the unringed intruders was from the nest of 2010, but given the history of EJ's tagged chicks, that is highly unlikely.  That is sad enough, but to have the two main stars just disappear within a month of each other is truly heart breaking for all who follow this nest. 

    We have shared the weather from deepest snow to hot sunshine, the rain and the wind.  We have laughed at incidents such as the 2013 fish which ended up on the outer side of the nest when Odin brought in a nice big fish, EJ took it, but got blown over the edge of the nest, taking the fish with her.  She couldn't reach to retrieve it.  Later Odin arrived with a second fish, spotted the original one and showed Oighrig and Breagha how it was done before flying off with it.  So funny.  The chick-saving Tesco fish delivery by Richard and the team.in 2009 following the fishing line incident, when Odin disappeared for a few days.  It was only when watching it again today I realised the 'climber' checked the nest first for any remaining fishing line, and said 'all clear of fishing line'.  It was Charlie Phillips, monitor of the dolphins at Channonry Point and fabulous photographer, who told me about this at Channonry as I was returning from a holiday on the West Coast.  I hadn't been able to keep up with LG news at all in those days.   In 2010 the weather was so bad, particularly the wind, that the ringing period ran out of time, and three chicks fledged the nest, unringed.  I was in Scotland at the time, and witnessed the many fallen trees around the countryside, so who could blame them for not wishing to climb the ladder.  Could any of those be one of our unringed intruders over the year?

    But throughout all of this is has been a joy to watch EJ and Odin,  the anticipation of their arrival, the laying of the eggs and the hatching of the chicks.  Watching the various chicks develop into fine looking juveniles ready to face the world.  Who knows that this iconic nest will hold for us next year, but I am sure that we will all be watching, waiting, holding our breaths, breathing out, ooing and ahhing  and loving it all, together!

    Another passing aircraft 10.58, the rain has stopped and once more there is little wind.

    I'm just feeling horribly sentimental, as usual, at this time of the season, albeit it probably three weeks too early.  Ignore me!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/