BLACK SCREEN.© RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
Not much more than a buzzard call was noticed during the day. Perhaps we shamed the Unringed Male off the nest after all those embarrassing home improvement pictures. But we will never know because the cam was left on the side view and was too fuzzy for even our expert Interpreter of Fuzzy Images (scylla) to decode. Not only that, but tonight the cam view has suffered the same fate.
The VC has obviously lowered the priority of the camera views, maybe since our resident pair is no longer in residence, and the breeding season is coming to a close. I am sure that summertime brings plenty of visitors and things to do as a result, but we wish even though we are not seen, that our online presence could garner more attention---or just enough so we can continue our observations throughout the overnight hours into the early morning!
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Good morning, PATILY :)
I'm hearing distant chirps but can't ID who's making them.
I expect it was the little birds who are still having a busy time on the nest.
A couple of "interesting" (!) snippets.
Some little bird sounds then a flyby - at first a small white bird appeared to be chasing a magpie-looking-but-not bird...
Then the maagpie-looking-but-not bird seemed to pursue the little white bird down thru 2 treetops:
Then! As one bout of interference subsided and before the next got going, some sweet birdsong and scrabbles:
Hmm, this may be a waste of time and effort but at least it won't waste too much of your time ;)
I don't think the slomo on the end is slo enough :(
Breakfast time here, back soonish.
Breakfast was a long time ago, now it's rest time, SYAL :)
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Whoever was this?! Flashed by in a... flash! ;)
And now we're back on the nest:
Good morning, MOFFER, so nice to see you back. I was delayed packing up, hence above post, but I'm off now, definitely ;)
Good morning all, Chris here from the OC. My apologies for the webcam not being left on the nest overnight. We have been made aware of it and as a team we will endeavour to make sure the right camera is left on at the end of our day. During the day we are often scanning the area with the "Camera Tree" camera to look for visiting ospreys on perches, or to show our visitors other points of interest. If there is something we think our online audience would appreciate we change the web cam to give all of you a look. I have asked the team to be more conscientious in changing it back for the overnight audience. We greatly appreciate the work you all do and the support you give us. Without your vigilance, especially in the early mornings, much activity would be missed. Keep up the good work - it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated by us at Loch Garten!
Have a great Tuesday, Chris.