WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 22, 2017

Hi all. Going to see what I've missed in the last day or so...

  • We just got back from going out for fish & chips - couldn't be bothered with cooking, as we got here really late, 6.30pm as my OH stayed at the Golf Club much later than usual as there was an event on, so he'd stayed there for lunch. We had a good journey down, although as I drove during the first hour, my OH passed me a fruit gum which I chewed. Then I spat out part of a back tooth! A visit to the dentist is in order when we get home again.

    Nice pic, OG - your decking looks really good and I love your tubs! Now it's all done you have the rest of the summer to enjoy it.

    Heather - good to hear from you, I nearly said this morning that you'd been rather quiet. Now I can see that you're enjoying being busy with family :-)

  • OG: Love the plants on your patio/deck. Do you have to water them by hand and do you have saucers under the pots to protect the wood? What are those dark chocolate-colored flowers at the far end of the border?

    Lindybird: An expensive fruit gum!  Hope the mishap doesn't cause any pain.

  • OG: Your new deck and plant arrangements are breathtaking! Just beautiful. Very tastefully and creatively done.

    I love those gorgeous flowers that look like fried eggs -- toward the middle.

  • A few days ago Friend phoned. “What are we going Thurs?” Me – Oh, erm, don’t know. Friend – It’s my birthday & my husband is deserting me. [Thurs is his Men’s Club Day.] Since in a hurry I couldn’t think of a short excursion, she suggested we visit the church whose window has fascinated her. A window 40 feet from top to bottom. Thus on Thurs, armed with cameras, we arrive at church. Locked as expected. We approach church office. That too locked & I explain into intercom. Parish assistant comes out for more detailed explanation, followed by ancient gentleman who happily opens side door and leaves us to explore. WOW! There are three 40 foot windows. Friend later declares that made a memorable birthday. Then we gatecrashed another church just as its weekday service had ended to capture three windows that had been removed from a closed city church. In the meeting room was this lovely keyhole window with a real gum tree visible through the clear glass.


    We ended our excursion at a bakery of course where I’m afraid Friend’s diet went astray as I shouted her lunch. [Translation – Shout – Aussie slang, to buy or give something to someone else.]

  • Good Morning.  Sunshine, here!!  Hooray!

    Annette -  My tooth isn't painful, thankfully - it's one of the big molars right at the back, and I've had lots of trouble with it in the past, so my dentist will sigh when he sees which one it is as he has had to keep refilling it over the years. I'm hoping he can still do something with it, as I have a few missing at the back.

  • This is the church built 1962

    and the window that Friend wanted to see

  • Good morning Linda, must dash, tea nearly ready . . .

  • Like the church pics, AQ.

    Here's my pic for today, which I nearly forgot:

  • GDau #1 phoned yesterday - calling in for lunch today!  A quick visit on a journey, but will be good to see her.  Need to check stuff - BBL.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hope the surprise lunch went well, OG!!  

    We set off for a walk this morning, in sunshine, but it quickly overcast and we turned around faster than intended, and just made it back to the car before the rain set in. Not before Bonnie had found a dead fish on the seafront, and run around with it for ten minutes --- a wash with a bucketful of hot water and doggy shampoo ensued, in the drizzle, before she could come indoors!!

    It's poured down this afternoon, but tomorrow should be fine all day, fingers crossed.