Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 July 2017


The Full Moon is at:

5:07 a.m. Sunday morning in the U.K.

12:07 a.m. (just after midnight Saturday night) in the eastern U.S.

9:07 p.m. Saturday night in California

The July Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Buck Moon or the Full Thunder Moon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Morning all:  Took a look at the full moon last night, which was very orange thanks to smoke from the fire behind us.  Toppled into bed but was awakened by cell and house phones ringing with a robocall from the City updating us on the fire, which apparently had burned over the ridge to our side of the hills. Still not that close and this morning we have storm clouds and had a super-heavy shower for all of two minutes! Patio and everything on it is now covered in wet ash.  Muggy and warm here now.

    Diane: Took a look at that bridge; apparently they're going to repair it?  I imagine there must be some conservation groups who keep an eye on  those. They're lovely - we have a few here in CA.  Do you ever wish you'd gone into the forest service?  

    LIndybird: Having bad hair days myself right now. Had my fringe trimmed yesterday, but am thinking of passing up on a full cut for a month or two and just wearing it tied back - cooler and requires less fussing after a shower.  I assume your clever Dance Party tome took all of - what? - 5 minutes?  :-)

    ForestBoar:  Sounds like you're getting some good options from your financial guy.  I assume he's pretty confident of the current rates and has a "worst case" scenario in the event they fall. Hope the Cairngorms strategy works out well.

    OK. About to Facetime niece in  UK, so back later...

  • Sunday afternoon, and I owe Heather an apology.  I totally mixed up your Brother and your Son yesterday – so sorry about that!  You were mentioning your Brother and I asked after your Son’s business venture.  Must be getting old or losing my marbles!

    I went to church this morning; preacher was mediocre – asked in a clear voice whether she could be heard, then mumbled into her notes!  I enjoyed some quality time with some of our older ladies after the service.  J hurt his leg this morning, and is fast asleep this afternoon.  OH is ironing – I think we are all feeling quite lethargic.

    Thank you, Diane, for starting our new week.  The moon did seem very bright last night, but I never worked out which window I should be looking out from – maybe it was right overhead!

    Annette – sorry about the storms in AZ and the fires in California – do you get smoke from them, or is the breeze onshore from the Pacific Coast and therefore blowing it inland?*  Granddaughter’s savings grew because of the amount she was paid – one of the top private schools in the UK!

    Forestboar – pleased you have solutions to minimising tax on your inheritance and a possible way of getting up north again in the future – well done your OH for researching these issues.

    Linda – interesting verses for Diane’s critters on the roof!

    Annette – (again) * just found your post about the overnight fire warning and wet ash on your property – yuk.  Pleased you are safe.

    Must now have a look around and see what I have failed to do today!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Latest from Grand-Daughter-In-Law:

    8 Months Old

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks, Bjane.  She is rather special - but she is our only Great Grandchild so far!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lurker alert....

    Reading but obviously not posting..

    OG a very ahhh photo will never happen to me as my girlies have made there choices on life.

    Just back from the Mull of Kintyre with both my girls.

    9 days in total and they returned home today. House so quiet after chat laughter and song . Daisy is dog tired.

    Mixed weather away but the cottage was right on the beach.

    Wednesday evening a chorus of Dolphins whilst eating dinner.. we rushed out. A pod so close breaching blowing and calling... amazing memories.

  • WENDY - our girls had two children each - two boys in Scotland, two girls in England - with ages spread from 27 down to 17.  Miriam lives in Laurencekirk and is the first child of elder Grandson, so it's our younger Daughter who is a Grannie.  Pleased your holiday was enjoyable with some good weather and wildlife memories.  Any photos to share?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG all on my phone so no chance posting here..

    Could forward to you by e mail if you are techno au fait.. maybe.

  • Hello all and thank you DIANE.

    Busy day here in the garden, I think that Isla is destined for a gardening career. Only just eight years old and she was quite confident with secateurs and asking me if I had watered this that and the other.

    Too tired to make replies this evening but will catch up tomorrow.

  • Annette: I just checked the latest update (that I could access) on the Whittier Fire. I really, REALLY hope you're okay, dearie. That's getting close. Don't bother to answer this post if you're trying to evacuate or taking steps for your safety. I just wanted you to know that I care.