DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Sunday, 9 July 2017

Another day of not seeing EJ on the nest. With a great sigh of relief though, we did catch a glimpse of her through Mike Crutch's camera lens carrying a whopper (her usual) out of the lochan, beating out 4 males. :-D THAT is our EJ!

In the meantime a pair of interlopers not only used her pad as a rendezvous, but also for a fish exchange! (pic by Moffer)(video summary by scylla) NOT acceptable---go away! If they are indeed playing house, does EJ need to dissuade them from continuing more seriously next season? Where is she during the day? Perhaps she is, as Moffer suggested, leisurely munching away at her brunch while the kids play. And also, where and who is the unringed male who seemed to have grown fond of EJ? Is it the same male who brought a whole live fish to the Blue Ring girl?

Each day arrives with more questions than any that can be answered easily. We shall do with our little peephole. It is still windblown at the moment. Full moon tonight yet no apparent illumination on the nest. :(

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