WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017

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  • Dear Friends and Very Special Support network - I need your prayers and healing thoughts. 3 weeks ago my beautiful 31 year old Daughter had a swollen ankle and then leg. After 5 different diagnosis's she has been told that she has a growth in her pelvic area, which is compressing the nerve and causing the swelling but also additional worrying growths in her lungs. I have been with her in hospital since last Wednesday and came home to Suffolk to do some stuff here, get more things and will return to London. They have taken biopsies  and will hopefully come up with a plan of action by Friday. She is on 2 hourly morphine for the pain. I know from all the years that I have been part of this forum that there is not a better group of people to pray for her and to help me through this. Thank you Dee

  • HARELADY - special prayers for your daughter, and for you to feel our support as you support her through this worrying time.  Changing diagnoses like this just add extra distress to all the pain and fear, and I pray that they can reach conclusions soon on the correct action to restore her to health.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HARELADY-  Sending you and your daughter supportive thoughts and prayers. Stay strong xx

  • HARELADY-Adding my prayers for your Daughter and you!!

  • Harelady, our thoughts are with you both.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Harelady ... I'm adding my thoughts, prayers and good wishes for you and your daughter. 

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Thank you all - it means a lot to me xxx

  • Harelady, I've only just seen your message.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter as the medics try to find the best treatment for her and to keep her out of pain.

    Will someone please send some sunshine - or at least a dry day - to Mull?  It's been raining all day ... again ... and there are things I want to do that I simply can't do in the rain!!!  I expect Friday - when I leave - will be wall to wall sunshine.  Hey ho, that's Scotland for you!

  • Just read your posts -- Harelady, I'll be thinking of you both. You must be rushing around just now, but I'm so glad that you felt we could all offer our warm HUGS and heartfelt support at this difficult time for both of you.

    Do remember to take out short times just for yourself, so that you can keep up your own strength. 

  • Pat -- Sorry that Scotland is living up to its reputation. Hope the clouds clear for you, and you can enjoy your last few days on that beautiful island.

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