DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 29 May 2017

Bad weather may have deterred the birds from visiting the nest after the early-morning intrusions...

The first one, threatened only, EJ put up a spirited deterrence display, which worked temporarily:

^^^ My snap, cropped off the screen capture.

EJ stayed on the nest for a while looking forlorn, I thought, even from the back:

^^^ Moffer's VLC.

Then the unringed male managed to land but didn't stay long - that was almost the last we saw of ospreys for the day, but BIRDIE spotted UR pop in for a few moments only at 0810hr... somewhat charmless in comparison to our familiar, much-loved male resident :'(


The happiest image of the day, per Moffer:

We await developments with, for me, not a little dread tinged with faint hope.