Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 May 2017


Summertime arriving for us all except AQ. Have a good winter, AQ.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Green Jay
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Texas USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled public domain (copyright free)

This beautiful bird is native to Central and South America and reaches its northern limit in south Texas.

  • That's good news on your progress, OG. :-)

    Anyone enjoy radishes?  Someone at the allotment has grown too many, so gave us a huge boxful! Will be making mixed salad tomorrow for lunch!

  • Back at last - been phoning family.

    HEATHER - sorry I had forgotten what you had told me about your step-granddaughter.  I am pleased that she has done so well in her studies.  Surely there will be someone out there looking for her less edgy designs - there must be "normal" people wanting to wear real clothes!

    DIBNLIB - pleased your weather was good for a canal walk; can imagine Benson with his smart haircut - I hope the swim didn't spoil it!

    ANNETTE - Daughter is thinking along the lines of a quiet and simple wedding (maybe just the two of them), then a party later for others to celebrate.  Her boys are being jointly Best Man for her Ex in October - I think that will be a big wedding so his fiancee's three daughters can be bridesmaids!

    LINDA - good that your Sons and Families could meet up - I can remember my cousins arriving as near-strangers when they came down to the country to visit my Grannie (and theirs).  We have missed many charity fundraisers this year - amazing how much money we have saved!

    Tired this evening - Radiographer this morning really pulled me about to position me - much more than usual - thought he was going to dislocate my good leg!  But I still managed to demonstrate good straightening and bending of my left leg for the doctor.  Will have a quiet day tomorrow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Diane - Thank you for starting us off. I hope work is not overwhelming you.


    OG – Miriam is gorgeous. Great news that you are more mobile.


    Heather – I much prefer “ordinary” clothes. Those weird things the famous people drape on themselves are not for me.


    Linda – I think I’ve said it before. I love those sturdy work horses with the feathers on their legs.


    Annette & anyone else following my travels – I hope to put together latest saga soon.


    I remembered this morn that Twinnies’ will be 3 this Sunday. I’ve rushed out to buy some clothes, size 4 for MissL, size 3 for MissJ. Prices are ridiculously low. How can they make tshirts for $2.75, skivvies for $4.50 & trousers for $7? I also have a big box of crayons . . . to drive Dau crazy LOL.

  • Last Sunday’s bus trip “Murray to Marne”. Away we went up the Sturt Highway to Truro for coffee stop. Great bakery, yummy slice of bienenstich. Drive around back streets, then on to Blanchetown on the River Murray. Across the bridge to Paisley - shacks, fishing spot, caravan park, road ends beneath the bridge. (For views -34.3424, 139.619 and move along River Drive.) A short stop at Paisley church for Yours Truly, although open, a service was in progress, so the only interior I captured was the porch window.


    Back across bridge to drive around Blanchetown. On The Parade at (-34.3506, 139.615) is view of Lock No 1 on the River Murray. Opposite under the tree is a miniature stone hut built by school children on left & a cairn to a 1988 water supply scheme on right. The hut represents the early settlement, 5 km south, at Moorundie by Edward John Eyre, nothing remains after several floods.

  • We stopped near former telegraph station, the only worthwhile building. Our guide had pointed to a shop for lunch, another down a side street, or the hotel (usually far too slow). I checked with him which street & set off to shop, down the gully and up the other side, houses but no people to ask. I reached the end with no sign of a shop. Retraced steps down then up the gully <sigh>. I decided to go to other shop. As I passed the next street, I saw a sign “Post Office”. Ah ha. Misinformed! There’s the shop halfway down the next street. I scoffed my pie & juice and wandered back to hotel for toilet, then sat on balcony in breeze waiting for those stuffing themselves in hotel.

    After lunch we drove south along Murraylands Road about 50 km of poor vegetation, some grazing. Poor rainfall this side of Adelaide Hills. Before Walkers Flat we detoured to Wongulla, some spectacular views of river cliffs along the way. Not much in Walker Flat, a ferry across the Murray, lots of shacks, 2 small shops for weekenders’ forgotten items or snacks.

  • The second river for the day was the Marne, known as South Rhine before World War I hysteria changed so many German names in South Aussieland. North Rhine River became the Somme, Friedensthal (Valley of Peace) became Black Hill, Rhine Villa to Cambrai. The Marne is a beautiful wide river valley, the river filled with reeds. We drove to Shell Hill, remains of deposits of oyster shells in shallow seas 5 million years ago. The shell grit was once mined as fertilizer.


    Through Black Hill with its Lutheran church now a private home. In Cambrai we stopped at the agricultural museum, a former Lutheran church (there were 2 until they merged). An amazing collection of items from the past. I dashed up road to Uniting church (formerly Congregational) to get better pics than my visit with Chauffeur Friend when it poured with rain. To my surprise on peering through windows, it was bare. I’ve since learnt that it closed last December. Two hours to home, through Sedan, climbing the hill on Stott Hwy, passing dry stone walls (-34.56217, 139.219) (rebuilt when road widened 1980s), through Angaston & Nuriootpa to the Sturt Highway, arriving 6 pm.


    My pics of Cambrai church posted today on flickr, another tomorrow, last Sunday’s Emu Downs was posted a few days ago. And if you scroll back you will find, if you wish that is, my pics of Dunolly in Victoria.

  • I forgot to add a link to a view of the Marne River valley and the cliffs at Walker Flat.

  • Good Morning, All.  A grey day here, as was yesterday. Not very warm, either.

    Good to come on and read AQs interesting posts about her travels. Such fascinating names for places! Can't believe that the Twins are going to be 3 already! How the time goes. Had a chat to our Eldest yesterday - little Amber (now 2 & a half) has begun to dictate what will be worn to nursery next day. After several serious tussles, it was decided that negotiations over what is going to be worn would be settled the night before, and the clothes laid out ready, to save time in the mornings! LOL!!

  • Here's today's pic:

    Cute alert!!!!