Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 May 2017

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  • ANNETTE- good to read that your visit to the Old Country is still planned ! (The old country is what my Canadian family call Scotland) A bouquet of white roses- brilliant!

    It has been a lovely day here. Oldest daughter did my nails (!) and I didn't do any garden work. Tomorrow, the guys will come to start the fascia board renewal. And yes, OG, they always take the rubbish away, thank goodness.

  • AQ - will check your pics :-)

  • When I make soup, there’s enough for 3-4 meals. I freeze single & double serves for “lazy” days. Except for pumpkin soup, my soups are thick & chunky enough to stand the spoon up! Today a quiet day at home. I should be making spiders homeless and finding furniture under the dust. <sigh> I have had so many trips & outings last 2 months, there should be enough pics to see me through next summer. That’s DownUnder summer! That’s when I am usually hunting to keep up my daily dose of pics on flickr. Now I still have photos from Victoria trip unprocessed, not to mention yesterday’s. Dau#2 phoned yesterday. Her treat for Mothers Day was to go to the toilet without anyone banging on the door wanting attention. Her OH kept the Little People away. I remember those days when one had nowhere to hide LOL.

  • AQ: Oh dear. I guess we take our treats where we can!  I remember the days of not even being able to go to the bathroom without daughter banging on the door. I remember specifically one time she came barging in while I was having a bath, asking "Where do babies come from?"  Um....

    Heather: You can't do any garden work for a week at least with new nails.

    Nice day here, low-level cleaning and laundry all done. I do like to start the week clean and organized.

    Hope it's a kind week for everyone.

  • Unknown said:
    I remember specifically one time she came barging in while I was having a bath, asking "Where do babies come from?"  Um....

    Better to ask then rather than in the supermarket queue!

  • Good Morning, All.  Raining here, and has been all night, I think!

    Laughing at memories of littlies!!

    Monday again - thought we had one about two days ago....  I must clean out more cupboards, and wash some of my "on display" pots etc. Also start getting ready to go to Wales again at the end of the week.

  • Here's today's pic:

  • Hello everyone

    A drizzly day here. The joiners are downstairs having lunch and watching TV news. I've escaped upstairs :-)

    The gutters are 'no good' (joinerspeak for rotten) so the job is bigger than I had hoped for. I trust our joiner, he has done so much work here over the years that I call this house '#+*^ Cottage' using his surname.

    Hopefully back later. I just thought that LINDY would wonder if we'd all been slain by the cyber worm.

  • Glad you're still with us, Heather!  Sorry the work might turn out to be more expensive than expected.

    I've got my halo on, as I've been busily washing stuff, dusting and and tidying.  Horrified at how dirty my ornamental teapots were.......not got them down for a while....


    "The cyber worm is coming

    He'll appear and chew you up!

    If you don't pay his ransom fee,

    You'll be next for the cut.

    He doesn't care just who you are

    Or if you know the Tec -

    He'll still be able to frighten all -

    You will be saying, 'Heck!' 

    'I didn't see that coming,

    And I don't know what to do'

    Meanwhile he only laughs and jokes:

    Lets more of his friends out the zoo.

    The populace are scared now, and some begin to squirm

    They ask for a medieval knight

    To free them from this worm.

    A little boy is wondering, and comes in from the dark

    "It's bigger than the worms I see

    When playing in the park. But why don't they just

    Pull the plug?" He crinkles up his eyes.

    "Without his power, he's just a worm!"

     --- But the adults soon reply.

    With scorn and indignation, for a child just cannot see

    That with justification, the world needs electricity and

    The power of The Web they say, is needed now, much more

    Than ever was before.

    But the child thinks of the things achieved without The Web.

    And more. "They just used pen & paper"

    He cries, and swiftly switches off the switches...

    The adults gasp, as if if the world might end - 

    But children are all in stitches. "Now,"

    They say, "Let's start again, Let's build a better world.

    Without the need for passwords, and no sitting by our screens,

    We want to learn to sing again, we want time left for dreams"

    The world went quiet......

    There was a pause, then birds began to sing

    Without The Web, all carried on:

    They didn't miss a thing!"

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