THANK YOU, KEITH, for the news and lovely pictures.. I especially enjoyed the unusual water buffalo photos.
From Facebook
Ann, I am sorry to be so negligent in answering your guess about the Mum & her baby. I thought others would respond, especially Willow, but apparently not.
Anyway, you are of course correct and they are armadillos. I expect you were pretty certain of that all along, weren't you?
I just tuned in and cannot see the osprey well enough to ID one from the other, but one is in flight at the top of the picture just leaving the nest.
June, Not at all certain--it was a guess, mainly because I could not think of anything else that it might be! Never saw one (live or dead) in person!
Kind regards, Ann
The process of elimination gets many a question answered correctly. :)
According to "Cloe & Tiger's Ospre Data" the recorded time between laying and hatching at Loch Garten is between 34 and 37 days.
EJ laid the first 2017 season egg on April 7 + 34 days is May 11th. That is this Thursday, day after tomorrow that we can start expecting the first chick.
(If my calculations are correct).