Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife - Glaslyn Ospreys MAY 2017

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  • I didn't realise that 5F had eggs What's to become of them Personally I hope they don't hatch I hate the thought of chicks on either nest, starving to death because Aran can't provide for them all

  • Lovely pic, Birdsong!  She is majestic indeed.

  • Morning All

    Mrs G incubating and Aran has arrived with what looks like a large ball of moss?

    (c) Glaslyn

  • 5f has laid her second egg. Aran is providing fish and incubating at both nests. All rather sad as this will change I assume when chicks arrive at primary nest which will become his focus just when nest 2 eggs won't be far from hatching.

  • It's possible he'll do a Monty and abandon the attempt to incubate two lots of eggs quite early.  It's very sad but I'd rather eggs were lost than chicks died.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks for the update on 5F Lmac. It is very sad and unfortunately we can only watch and wait and see what happens.  Like Patily and Clare, I hope the eggs don't hatch!  

  • Very sad situation fingers crossed the eggs don't hatch.

  • I doubt the eggs will hatch most likely be predated as Aran will shift his focus and 5f will have to leave the nest at some point to feed. I really believe the situation with FotO (really the wrong name for them) should be reassessed sensibly next season particularly when these eggs are only a week behind nest 1.

  • Warm here too!  I think it is Aran incubating and panting in the sunshine.   

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    I am wondering about that black cloth thing at the back of the nest ... looks like an old black towel ???

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