Carnyx Wild will monitor this thread and try to help those who are experiencing problems watching the live camera online.
And also like me you can watch the webcam on your TV through the Chromecast device if you don't have an internet connected TV,
On my 65 inch TV, it's fantastic watching the Loch Osprey webcam live.
VLC is freezing a lot for me at the moment. Just thought I would let you know.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Hello Moffer, there were no network issues last night is/was your internet connection fast and stable?
Yes Peter. CC in NY also had the same problem, but I note that it was far worse on VLC than your site.
General info: Sometime between May 19th and May 20th the VLC snaps reduced from 1280 pixels to 640 pixels. Not sure what happened, maybe related to optimizing the stream for YouTube requirements.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
That is right CC, we have reduced it for a while to conform to the YouTube optimized settings.
Hi Peter. Please don't think I'm a moaner, BUT, we have no sound today :o(
Still no sound today - it stopped some time the night before last.
Hello, Sorry I have been away for two days. The sound is part of the centre's original camera system and my working knowledge of it is a bit limited. However, I do know that it is a wireless transmission from the nest to the centre and although there may be the actual sound somewhere there it is being drowned out by the interference. We can only guess at the reason for this. But it will need someone at Loch Garten to make sure all the various links are all working and that nothing has been added or changed around the visitor centre that may be causing this interference. If no-one has contacted them yet, we can do this on Monday.