A routine day yesterday - decent fish for EJ, and apart from a very brief skydance, which came to nothing, the only intrusions were deemed to be from unseen corvids.
Tonight EJ is still on the nest. She's been pickiing at the surface occasionally and looking left and right. No-one else seen or heard.
Lightened artificially.
Mainly she's looking over her shoulder to you-know-who:
Odin just flew in to mate, maybe that's what EJ was calling for - and she'd not long looked rather impatient, flapping even!
Something's been agitating EJ slightly, her neck was left-and-righting looking out to our right, now she just flew up to the campost and straight down again.
Forgot DAYCAM 0611hr
Down from campost:
Flew off and back twice, I think... and just flown off again. Little chirps punctuating her activities.
Back to nest again! Chirp-chirp.
Something's going on out there.
Off she flew again! ENS - but not for long, I suspect.
Loud raven nearby.
EJ's back on the nest with a flap and a small chirp. So, probably it's corvids causing concern this morning - again.
Good Morning SCYLLA Thanks for all reports and pics
EJ very alert and watchful
Mating. Odin flew straight off then.