Yesterday was marked by another whopper. Our first close-up of the day was supplied by MIKE:
EJ is looking forward to the return of Odin, as are we!
All on Odin's profile
Tiger Signature
I know how she feels
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
No sign of the PM recently! Do you think it has taken the hint?
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
16.32 EJ has flown
The winds in France and south of England are not good for migrating ospreys just now. Much better on Tuesday See wind mapwinds today
winds on Tuesday
Thanks Tiger. Pity I'm out for most of Tuesday!
SheilaFE said: Thanks Tiger. Pity I'm out for most of Tuesday!
You can see why they are risking being blown into the Bay of Biscay.
Ah ha!! She is on the nest campost! Scuffle, scuffle!! I can't see her shadow tho.
Is EJ spending more time on the cam post because of the pine marten?
16.58 She has dropped back on to the nest, moving the odd twig, looking around her
a bit of a potter, a check of the nest, a look at the view...