The webcam is not yet up and running but I've started a thread in eager anticipation.
The male White YW is an offspring of No Ring and Mrs - the Bassenthwaite pair who kept changing nests. Like father, like son? Or perhaps it's like mother since No Ring and his first mate stayed 6 years at the original nest.
Hilary J
There has been a report of an intruder seen earlier on the webcam nest and was quickly seen off by Blue 35.
It would be a shame for the CWT if the ospreys do move nests, when they put so much effort into getting a camera there, and now with sound. As we know ospreys will do this sometimes! Maybe another pair may like this nest,I believe White 14 is fond of the area...?!
Osprey on the nest....
35 and YW on the nest jsut now.
YW has flown, 35 remains on the nest
© Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Let's hope they stay here!
Birdies LG DU update.
Thanks Karen, I've been watching but this laptop is so old I'm sure it doesn't have a print screen button. Fingers crossed....
You're welcome Jane. I keep looking in now and then as I would like them to choose this nest - one for us and for CWT as they have gone to a lot trouble with the cams etc and it would be nice/good for them.
35 flown .... ENS
There was a tiny twiglet delivered I think and a bit of a half hearted attempt at nest tidying.