Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 March 2017


My trees are budding out already! Spring is arriving three weeks early this year in my area, according to the scientists.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Tanager
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • dibnlid I'm not surprised! Had a silly day today, got down to Lidl in Monmouth, got to till - no card wallet. They kept my basket until I returned. Lets say that the rest of the day has been somewhat like that.

  • Good evening, all.  It has been a lovely day here, which meant I got out with my camera again.  If you'd like to have a look at some photos click on this beautiful corvid:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • AQ - Oh dear!!!! sounds like a snap election is wanted.  lol.

    Hope you've managed to clear the ants and of course it helped you in that you could declutter!! Enjoy your tea.

    Clare - do we really need a garden bridge, I don't think so, money would be better spent elsewhere. It makes the mind boggle at some of the suggestions made.

  • Dibnlib - glad you managed to get down to see your mum and that she seems more settled but do hope you can find a suitable residence for her in the future. It is stressful to have to visit a loved one who needs care but somehow you get through it, I know I did when my mum was in care although it was distressing seeing what she had become like (Vascular dementia).

  • ForestBoar - we all have those sort of days.

    Clare - love your photos

  • Child asking elderly man “What did you use before candles?”

    He answers “We had electricity."

  • Evening all:  All  this talk of bridges reminds me of Sarah Palin (Governor of Alaska) who wanted to build what became known as the Bridge to Nowhere (a bridge to a remote island with 50 inhabitants). It didn't get built.

    Clare: The organization I worked for for 21 years was AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) was a wonderful employer:  Very employee oriented and very good to its retirees (thank heaven!). The proposed Garden Bridge sounds a bit like New York's Skyline, a former elevated railway that was turned into a lovely trail/park that winds through the city.

    Lynette: I went to gym yesterday and did half my usual routine, having been away for a few weeks - just a tad creaky today. Came home to do some gardening and managed to slide backwards off an apparently unstable little seat thingy a neighbor gave me and landed smack on my derriere, which has now joined in the other creaky bits.

    AQ: It sounds rather chaotic in OZ. Reassuring really when you consider what a circus we have here (in DC that is). Where are they sending for those car parts?  Hope you manage to evict the ants without any stragglers. Candle joke brought a smile! :-)

    dibnlib: Glad your Mom is doing well in the hospital and hope the transition to a new place will go well.

    Off to bed; take care everyone.

  • Unknown said:
    All  this talk of bridges reminds me of Sarah Palin (Governor of Alaska) who wanted to build what became known as the Bridge to Nowhere (a bridge to a remote island with 50 inhabitants). It didn't get built.

    Thank goodness.

    Unknown said:
    The organization I worked for for 21 years was AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) was a wonderful employer:  Very employee oriented and very good to its retirees (thank heaven!).

    We need more employers like this.

    Unknown said:
    The proposed Garden Bridge sounds a bit like New York's Skyline, a former elevated railway that was turned into a lovely trail/park that winds through the city.

    I don't know if the Skyline was built as a vanity project - the Garden Bridge definitely is.  London has lots of bridges over the Thames and quite a lot of green spaces.

    Unknown said:
    Came home to do some gardening and managed to slide backwards off an apparently unstable little seat thingy a neighbor gave me and landed smack on my derriere, which has now joined in the other creaky bits.

    Yours must be rather less padded than mine!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all!  It's another bright start here and I've just put a load of washing out - this is going to sound weird but I love watching a line full of washing blowing in the wind!  It comes in smelling so fresh as well.

    Limpy and I went to the local Photographic Society meeting last night.  Each week we do something different there - this week's treat was provided by two of their best photographers.  The first gave us a talk on contrasts, and he showed us some stunning images to show off the different contrasts you can find pretty much everywhere you look.  The second then gave us a talk on composition - he's a landscape photographer and he's really good at it!  All in all, a really interesting evening.  Next week another competition will be judged - uh-oh..........!

    Off to Minsmere today as I'm on Reception duty this afternoon - looking forward to it as always.

    Have a nice day, all!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hello all

    I'm taking a sabbatical to indulge my love of sneezing and sniffling but have news of OG. She's had her first bath and hair wash since surgery three weeks ago. A real red letter day! She is able to read during the day if the light is good and the faithful EE continues to spend a lot of hours at her bedside.

    I have news of LINDYBIRD - the weather continues to be very mixed but yesterday's temps were in the thirties which was more like it! If I'm correct, she will be in her last of three weeks away?

    Thanks to all for pics and posts-