Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 March 2017


My trees are budding out already! Spring is arriving three weeks early this year in my area, according to the scientists.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Tanager
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hallo all: Very slow day for me, though I did make it to my shift at the Gray Whale Count. It's still early in the migration, so no calves yet and just two adults today.  Didn't make it to yoga in spite of best intentions; opted for a prolonged nap instead.  The ride back yesterday was not ideal. It was fine until I merged onto the 210 in San Bernardino and realized the chicken salad I'd eaten in Indio 40 minutes earlier was about to blaze a trail through my innards! Eeek. So there am I going 70mph when it starts pouring with rain, the traffic, which is ghastly, slows to a crawl and I'm having to pull off the freeway every 20 minutes. Oh joy! Have never been so glad to get home.

    Heather: Hope you're getting over that cold!

    Wendy: Good that you got the all-clear from the doc and can really look forward to the trip.

    Taking my creaky self off to bed now. Have a good Tuesday everyone.

  • Good morning, all.  It's another cold, sunny morning here and as I'm up nice and early I might take my camera out to see what's about.  Limpy has gone to Minsmere - he likes to go absurdly early in case the otter is flaunting itself.

    Dibnlib, delighted you enjoyed Rumours of Fleetwood Mac!  That album still sounds good today.

    Annette, I'm so sorry to hear you had such an awful journey home.  What you described pretty much sums up a lot of motorway journeys here!  I bet you were all in when you got home.

    I hope Lindy is enjoying her break and that Heather's cold is on its way out!

    Hello, OG!  I managed to remember you're in hospital - our kindest thoughts to you and the lovely Eagle Eye.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just to be utterly sad I'm going to let you all know that today is the 18th anniversary of my first date with Limpy!  In September it'll be our 18th wedding anniversary.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • That's not 'utterly sad', Clare - it's great!!!  Congratulations to you both.  Hope you are going to celebrate in some way ... another photographic expedition, perhaps?

  • We'll think of something.  We've both managed to get out with our cameras today......just separately!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • While we're on the subject of weddings I couldn't help but notice that lots of wedding spreads are appearing in our local free magazines.  They make terrifying reading - here's a 'helpful' checklist to make sure you don't forget to include this lot in your budget:

    Ceremony venue

    Reception venue

    Wedding dress

    Bridal accessories

    Bridesmaid dresses

    Bridesmaid accessories

    Wedding attire for groom

    Attire for groomsmen

    Wedding rings

    Hair and make-up

    Catering and drinks

    Music and entertainment

    Venue decorations

    Photography and videography




    Stationery and invitations


    Gifts for attendants and family

    Wedding day insurance


    Blimey!!!!!  I must confess that all sounds expensive and exhausting.  Or am I being a complete Scrooge?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Interesting there is no mention of either a Registrar or a Vicar/Minister, or choir, or bells!!!  Insurance?  I wonder what that covers ... weather, punctures, groom/bride changing their mind, mother-of-the-bride and mother-of-the-groom turning up in the same outfit?  The list is endless ... It was so much easier in my day!

  • It looks more like a circus than a wedding!

    We didn't have a huge amount of available cash - most of what we did have went on a house deposit, which seemed much more sensible to me.  You can't live in a wedding dress even if it is marquee size.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    It looks more like a circus than a wedding!

    Yes Clare, that's pretty much everything that was on my to do list at my wedding, apart from insurance I didn't have that.  

  • Interesting discussion about weddings and I have had 2.

    My first was the whole chebang as my parents were in business and I think it was more for them than for OH to be and myself. They seemed to have it all slickly organised but I was the third of three daughters.

    Sadly widowed and never thought I would "do it" again but I did. This time it was our day. We got married on Red Nose Day and there were just 13 of us. Maybe not a good omen but all is still well. OH only remembers even numbers as Red Nose is every other year. He had to be reminded by step daughters that last year was our Silver one.

    Mind you I was away doing my Lundy trip and this year I will be driving down various motorways:-)