Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2017


Hello to everyone, and I hope you all have a good week.

I thought I would begin the week by honouring Brenda. She was a wise and truly kind person, and she will be missed.

  • Good afternoon everyone I have been following everything that has been going on and there has been a lot of unfortunate thing happening. I was so sad to hear about Brenda's death and the then the problems that Limpy had been having and now OG is going through a bad time and this is along with all the mishaps that others have been having.

    Heather I wouldn't be ashamed of saying that you had the feeling that your OH was beside you as even after twelve years I still think that my OH is lying cuddling into my back at times.

    I took my SiL sister to a friend funeral in Anstruther and the cemetery was at the highest point in the village and I have never felt so cold as the wind was coming all the way from Iceland I think.

    Out for lunch at the Waterfront yesterday with SiL and her sisters family who are here from NZ and am going to a cousin night on Friday.

    I hope everyone suffering gets well soon and the others keep well and I will try to keep in touch sooner rather than later in future.  

    george g

  • Hope that you don't suffer too much, DIBNLIB, after your dental treatment. I wonder what news you will get about your Mum. I think that I know how it must feel for you, my Mum had dementia and was many miles away from me.

    Tapas lunch was great. I hadn't been there for years. A selection of small plates of food - eight or nine at least, which we chose from a good menu. All accompanied by as much bread and olive oil as we wanted. Washed down with a nice Spanish red wine. We agreed that we must do it again.

  • Good evening, all.  I enjoyed another visit to Felixstowe Ferry earlier - I'll sort out a thread later.

    Great to hear from you, George!  I'm happy to say that after a painful few days the crater left by Limpy's wisdom tooth is finally starting to hurt less.

    Dibnlib, you have my sympathy.  I hope the pain calms down soon.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER  Glad you enjoyed your lunch. Was it at the Tortilla Assassina?

    Bro has said she is sitting up and chatty, which probably means she is responding to him rather than initiating conversation. (Haven't seen her chatty for some considerable time. She is to get 5 days physio (which is what she used to do)before another assessment. We will see her in early Feb unless there is a need to go down before.

  • CLARE  It is the start of implant work (2 implants with 3 teeth) so that was stage 1 today. It will be a few months before the work is finished.

    Thanks to you and Heather for your thoughts.

    Love all your lovely pics, whether it is wildlife or sunsets.

  • GEORGE- I missed your post earlier, have only just seen it. So glad that all is OK and you are getting out and about. Sorry if I hassled you to reply but you are always missed if we don't 'see' you :-)  Glad I'm not going crazy. I like to think that my OH is around about the place.

  • George -  Nice to hear from you. Standing in a cemetery in this cold weather is not recommended! - I hope they kept it short.

    Dibnlib - Good that your Mum is sitting up and talking. Hope you can get down there in February, it will make you feel better, at least. Sitting at the Dentist for two hours sounds hard - hope you're recovering and the rest of the course of treatment goes well.

    Heather - Your lunch sounds good. Perhaps you could do the same maybe once a month....

  • Not heard from OG today.......  do hope she is OK.

  • Not doing brilliantly, still not much sleep - but some improvement!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good to see OG & George checking in and news percolating through re Margo.


    My nanny duty was fairly easy yesterday. Dau rushed down to Post Office to pick up parcel. I watched a Peppa Pig game. That seemed to be a lot of little pig figures in a doll, sorry, pighouse, complete with bed, table, etc. Then I ate lots of ‘maginary kebabs, sausages, pies. The sausages (my knitted ones!) were baked on a toy BBQ. I had to view the 3 exhibits in Miss5’s newly set up Art Gallery. (She’s never been to one, where do these ideas come from?) Come teatime, MissJ regressed and needed to be coaxed; Miss L copied. But they did finally eat everything on their plates and ask for more. Dau had baked sausages (real ones!) in gravy, served with peach slices, peas, potato & onion. All finished & calm before s-i-l arrived from work. I returned home to be greeted by my OH confessing that he had trouble remembering how to get tea. What?!!! All that was needed was casserole reheated in toaster oven.


    Time I inspected fridge & pantry cupboard before venturing to food shopping. I’m tempted to “do a Clare” – take my camera for an outing. Only expecting 28 today. Clear blue sky.