Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2017


Hello to everyone, and I hope you all have a good week.

I thought I would begin the week by honouring Brenda. She was a wise and truly kind person, and she will be missed.

  • Heather:  No worries!  -  I know that these things happen.  If I put on here some of my experiences, I would be carted away...... Perfectly normal for you to have that feeling, and not strange at all.  Glad it gave you some comfort.  {HUGS}

  • AQ - Sounds like a big party for your sis.  Must be like weddings and funerals, when you see folks you only see at big events in the family: lots to catch up on. Were the twins there, too, and Miss5 ?

    OG:  I hope you're feeling better today.  That pain in your leg sounded worrying and uncomfortable, to say the least.

    Annette:  Hope you're somewhat recovered from your adventures.  We saw the huge crowds gathered, both there in USA and all around the world, mostly women. There was a really big rally here in London.

    We're putting back pictures and shelving in the hallway:  we have two large pictures there, and a big mirror so that I can check I look human before I leave by the front door....  I darn't say to my OH but I am somewhat disappointed in the finish now of the wallpaper that's been painted over.  He would never pay anyone to do it, so if I'd said it needed doing again, it would have been a big job for us both. Ho hum:  don't suppose anyone will notice it, its more of a background for all the pictures and of course, all those doors! (We have a door to the upstairs bedroom as it rises straight from the hallway and is the only room up there, so needed a door at the bottom)

    Hope no one from on here ever comes to this house because my worktops are absolutely not in any way, clear and tidy!!

  • Diane:  That link to the "Sky of Lanzarote" was beautiful. I forgot to say that I had looked at it, but was busy at the time. The skies there can be very dramatic, and the bare volcanic mountains are beautiful beyond belief.

    Here's one:

    Not the best example - some of my more dramatic photos were taken before I went digital.

     Another one  -  I love volcanoes!!  

    That was the holiday when a sparrowhawk came and sat calmly on our balcony: he had been dining on the local pigeons:

  • Some gulls, for Clare!

    All pictures taken in November 2010 - goodness me, that's ages ago!!

  • Yes, ditto from me, OG. I don't suppose that you could manage to go to church today, if you can't weight bear.

  • Heather - I was very moved by your experience early this morning.  Thank you for sharing it with us.  Not bonkers at all, but a special comfort for you as you adjust to a different way of life.

    Very cold here yet again this morning - -5 when I set out.  I had to go to a village about twenty miles away - first having to scrape the windscreen, then drive carefully down twisty country lanes, often blinded by a brilliant but low sun.  The welcome was warm, which made up for the freezing start.  It's certainly preferable to rain - but when it is going to be warmer in the mornings?!?!?

  • Pat - I hate driving in those conditions, the sun is so low, I can't see. We have a shield which we can pull down from the sun visor to help.

    I was pleased this morning to hear that there is going to be a statue erected in Basingstoke to Jane Austen.  She lived there for much of her life, apparently, and they want to put up a statue to her in the town square. The mock up has been made, and it looks splendid - a pretty, flowing skirt as if she is passing by.

  • Lindybird said:

    Some gulls, for Clare!

    All pictures taken in November 2010 - goodness me, that's ages ago!!

    Love the gulls, Lindy, but I think your sparrowhawk might be a kestrel.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • What a horrible 24 hours we just had.  I couldn't sleep last night - leg was worse in bed than sitting on chairs, and really bad this morning.  It reached the point where I couldn't imagine ever walking again!  J was brilliant, and OH did his best to be helpful.  We should have been at church today - two big services - but instead we all went to the hospital. I (not too long) saw a lovely young doctor who was so, so patient wand kind.  She took blood samples and sent me for Xrays; no conclusive result - Xrays showed no infection or deterioration around the prosthetic knee, and there was very little of interest in the blood results.  She has given me stronger pain relief and instructions how to take it, vary it if necessary - and to see the GP.  OH prepared our tea as a late lunch, and is cooking our dinner for this evening - he will not go to the Prayer for Unity Service, even though he should have been reading.  I was even happy to be pushed around in a chair this morning, but am learning how to walk again this afternoon - a couple of metres then rest, repeat until I arrive!  If the painkillers work for me, I should sleep tonight - I'm exhausted.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks, Diane for starting the week – and posting that lovely tribute to Brenda.  I appreciated the shallower steps to stagger out to the car this morning.  Pleased you have inflated that tyre, and charged your battery.  I do hope you will settle for Apricot for your porch room – such a warm colour for winter, but light floral in summer.

    Annette – storms sound bad over your way – and in the southeast too.  A long day for you at the march.  I wonder whether all these demonstrations will achieve anything?  Trump seems to be in denial that there is any dissention to his rule!

    AQ – sounds like that family celebration was enjoyed by all!

    Clare – two photo outings in the one day – terrific!

    Heather – hope you enjoyed your lunch out at Daughter’s.  I don’t think your experience was at all bonkers – dream, vision, memory, time travel – call it what you will – it happened for your comfort.

    Need to move – getting stuck in this chair!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!