Saturday, February 18th, 2017
Lac de l'Ayguelongue / Momas (64)
New since my last visitCommon specie 1
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) Clic to display sightings of this species Clic to display sightings of this species Clic to display stats about this species Click to display information about this species [Christine Dublanc Visualize this sighting Duplicate this sighting to my name]
Comment :Passe au-dessus du lac, aucune tentative de pêche.
Gironde today : described as migration active
Gironde today with fish
Monday, February 20th, 2017
USN00-Réserve ornithologique (générique) / Teich (Le) (33)
1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
[Magali Labat]
Pointe du Teich / Teich (Le) (33)
[PNR Landes de Gascogne]
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017
UG 08 Domaine de Certes - Méandre / Audenge (33)
[Frédéric Dissard]
Detail : 1x (flying)
UG04 Domaine de Graveyron - Verduret / Audenge (33)
[Mobile data (direct mode) Patrick Moreau]
Friday, February 24th, 2017
haut schorre IPA 4FJ / Arès (33)
[Alexandre Bert Guide Naturaliste Ot D'arès]
Comment :prend un ascendant thermique au-dessus des vasières, tourne, monte haut puis file direction Nord-ouest
Translated as :- "Takes a thermal rise above the mudflats, turns, climbs high then heads northwest"
Birdies LG DU update.
Here we go
24/02 15:14 DEVON : Osprey, Teignmouth [S]
possible flew over sea towards Teignmouth (14:00)
Wow, Alan. Isn't that a bit early?
Kind regards, Ann