Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 January 2017

  • New Year greetings from a windy Nairn. Let's hope 2017 is a better year for all. Special thoughts to Heather and Margo.

    Kind regards


  • Wishing you all a happy and peaceful 2017 and thanking everyone for the love and support extended to me and mine.

    New year, and a first for me - a pyjama day! never done such a thing before except when unwell. Quite a novelty, showered etc, then put on what I like to call my 'housecoat'. Sounds better than dressing gown and in truth it is quite a smart one :-)

  • Heather B said:
    New year, and a first for me - a pyjama day! never done such a thing before except when unwell. Quite a novelty, showered etc, then put on what I like to call my 'housecoat'. Sounds better than dressing gown and in truth it is quite a smart one :-)

    You're ahead of me, Heather.  I've just showered and I'm only wearing a towel at the moment.  It's a totally cool one, though - green, with the design of a giant thumb print!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • That's better.  Moisturised, dressed and feeling like getting out and about.  See you all later!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER  Hope you have a nice relaxing pyjama day. I like to change into my dressing gown early evening, then I do feel relaxed and comfy.

    CLARE  Sounds like a really quirky towel,  I want one!!!  

  • Back again.  It's raining here now but I did manage to get a few photos.  Click on the finches to see more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Another lurker here, to wish you all good health and happiness in 2017.  I think that 2016 is probably best forgotten for many of us, and now is the time to look forward.  Take care everyone.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Well it's 9:45 a.m. here and I'm still in my nightie and dressing gown (we call the latter robes here, but minus any chains of office). Have been talking/texting with the UK family. Sister has had a bumpy few months with one health issue and another and I'll be going back late February for a big birthday (hers).  

    Must do something constructive today - after all need to get the year going on a positive note!

    Never mind ospreys, the gray whale migration will start in another six weeks or so.  :-)

  • Goodness, Annette:  The whale migration soon seems to come around again!  Hope your sister has a better year for her health.

    I've been slobbing around all day in a pair of sloppy velour trousers and a loose top.  We had cheese and biscuits for lunch but didn't want much else.

    Catching up:

    OG:  Lovely pic of the youngster:  you're right, they're not little for long, it soon goes.

    Jenny, Mulberry & Harelady:     Nice to see you on here, posting.  Happy New Year!

    Here is a pic of a Christmas dec I'm very fond of - it was my Mothers, and she always stood him on the fireplace:

    He is made of "grass" and has a dear little bell around his neck.  He always seems to look hopeful for some Christmas cake, to me!