Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2016


The Winter Solstice is Wednesday (21 December). The return of the light!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunrise from the International Space Station
NASA photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Crazy day here; plumber came to sort out draining problem in my bathroom; OH forgot to turn off tap in his bathroom and - surprise - his bathroom flooded, but wonderful plumber mopped it up and got a nice tip. Now a fan is going full blast on the part of the bedroom carpet that sopped up the overflow. Is it too early for a glass of wine?

    Thank you Alan. The same to you and yours.

    Brenda: Have a safe trip; watch out for those storms.

    Lindybird/dibnlib: Have never had a manicure. Not sure I could cope with nail issues.  :-)

    Heather: Hugs to you and your family; will be thinking of you all tomorrow.

    Awaiting arrival of daughter, dog, and bunny.  Surely it's not too early for a glass of wine?

  • I have found ingredients & utensils to make choc cream pie and that includes 1 tablespoon of port. Another for moi? And one for Annette? Anyone else? Temp has crept up to 33 already, on its way to 37. Bleah. Lizarda Junior is back in garden. See yesterday’s nature study here.


    Thinking of Heather & her family later today.

  • AQ: Lizarda Jr. looks like he just ate something huge. Can we make that two tablespoons of port for Annette?  That's too hot!

  • Annette - That's Lizarda Jnr's defence - s/he had just blown itself up and hissed loudly at me as I tried to creep out the back door with my camera. After wandering path, lawn & back to verandah, s/he left a message on the tiles before departing for garden. Hey, fertilizer in garden, please.

    The choc cream pie is made & in fridge. A lick of bowl and it tastes good. Time now for some horizontal R&R before I check To-Do-List.

  • AQ: What an odd defense - wonder who he/she is trying to scare off (apart from you).

    Bunny ensconced in "my" room; dog reluctant to come in. All two-legged critters off in bed and I'm grabbing a bit of peace and quiet before I hit the sack.

  • Good Morning, All.  Thinking especially of Heather and her family today.

  • Didn't have a late night last night, as the noisy "disco" pouring out 80s. music was too disruptive to allow talking, which was particularly annoying for a room full of 'seniors' all of whom wanted to catch up on news. The meal was pleasant, although my turkey dinner arrived looking lacking - then I realized I was missing any roast potatoes and a stuffing ball!  They came with a small dishful, which I shared with the male guests either side of me. Then I had vanilla cheesecake, which had lemon sauce on one side and raspberry on the other - very good. My OH had Chr. pud.

    Going out to collect our turkey today, and bread supplies etc. Also dressing our small, real Christmas tree, which we were dismayed to find had grown a lot whilst in the ground at the allotment. We're going to have a rethink about our tree arrangements in future, as the large artificial tree we have was such hard work to put up and decorate - downsizing is the need.

    Hope everyone has a good day today and gets everything done!

  • Safe trip to everyone who is travelling, including Brenda and her OH.

  • Sending strong thoughts and prayers to Heather and her family today at Bill's funeral, wishing her peace, comfort and support.

  • Heard from cousins husband that she will be home for a few hours on Christmas day.....that is the good news!   She has been seen by consultants from Edinburgh that she should have been referred to them some time ago. She now needs an operation on her back, but no date as yet. It also appears that whatever her present hospital has been using on her back is something she is allergic to, so it has hindered, not helped.  As her husband said. "You could't make it up!!!!"

    Thinking of you all and wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and safe travelling if you are on the move.