Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2016


The Winter Solstice is Wednesday (21 December). The return of the light!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunrise from the International Space Station
NASA photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Special thoughts for Heather and the family today.

  • Been out to collect the turkey and bread order, and glad I took my OH as it was a rugby scrum, and virtually no parking available. We parked down a side street and walked.  Other sis-in-law came for a coffee this morning, and Awful Cousin rang from Canada. At least she won't be ringing again on The Day. 

    My Friend rang to say "Don't come to visit me" as was planned this pm, as her cold has developed into a horrible head cold. They may fly by us tomorrow, as they have errands nearby, but I don't want The Cold myself!

  • Been thinking about dear HEATHER all day, and her family too.

    Been too busy to answer all posts on here, but have totally finished compiling the service for Christmas Day - will just read my talk through tomorrow to watch out for any glaring errors.  Had to re-word one phrase in the candle-lighting segment of he service when I had mentioned four candles for advent - knew that if I caught J's eye as I said that we would both laugh out loud!

    Final laundry through the system today until after the weekend - even J's ironing is up to date. OH will be cooking our main meal tomorrow while I do some preparation towards the main Christmas dinner Sunday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all:

    Heather: Thinking of you today and am sure you were well taken care of by your family. Hugs to all of you.

    Diane: I assume you're back home now - unless your friends got caught in some residual hang up due to all the airport delays.

    Daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter all here. OH hiding in his room with cat, dog sprawled on carpet, bunny snoozing in the corner. And it's pouring with wonderful rain!

    Hugs to all

  • Rain? Wot’s that? We're expecting 35 C.

    Spare a thought for poor folks on Eyre Peninsula. Lightning strike killed power yesterday, no phones either. Repairs underway today. People frantically buying ice , just think of all that food in fridges.

    I had a quick trip to shops for fresh supplies and now I must convert into stuffed tomatoes, truffles & yummy things.

  • Daughter in bed, Ms. D settled down, granddaughter arrived with unwrapped presents and dirty laundry due to very long last day at work. Still pouring with rain here. Wonderful, but would not want to be out on the roads tonight....

    AQ: Have been avoiding all news as part of my "Trump-free Christmas," but hope the folks on Eyre will be empowered soon.

    Lindybird: Did you have to lop off the top (or bottom) of your tree?  Tiresome that noisy music made conversation so difficult - I hate that.  Maybe wave to friend as she passes by your house?

    dibnlib: Good news re cousin, but what a mess having her on the wrong meds.

    OG: Will be interested to hear how your Christmas Day talk goes. 

    Margo: Very good - and typical - of you to be thinking of others when you've had such a bumpy time yourself. You're a star! Truly.

  • Good morning.  We are okay here, but Caerlaverock said roads around them were flooded yesterday and there are warnings for coast and river flooding in the area - dryer today, but a lot more rain due tomorrow.

    Special thoughts for Heather, Margo and Diane.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning.  Dry here, but still damp in the air. Winds are bad in Scotland, by all accounts. Both my OH and myself are feeling better than yesterday, when we both had strange, gurgling stomachs - I said that the pigs in blankets we had with our festive dinner were odd tasting, and maybe full of E numbers, at the time we ate them!

    Annette - Good that both your relatives and the menagerie arrived OK. We're certainly hoping that when Friend & her OH 'fly by' they will just drop off their presents, and GO!

    OG - well done on organising yourself so well for your talk, at such a busy time. Hope it all goes well.

    Lots of finishing off to do today, including dusting round, doing prep for tomorrow, and wrapping up a pile of books for each child (grown up!) and grandchild. I bought two steak pies in Waitrose for tonight, so that I can just pop on a pan of stir fry veg - I always do an easy meal on this day.

    Thinking of all of those from these threads who are in crisis or under the weather. {{HUGS}}

  • PS - Annette - We've decided that sadly this is the last year for our big, artificial tree as it's hard work and time consuming. The small, real one in a bucket had enjoyed being in the ground over summer and had almost doubled in size! It's also a very prickly variety, so I ruled against trying to put lights on it, and just draped it in miniature tinsel (ouch!) and tiny decorations (more ouch!!).

    I worked out that logically, we should do away with both trees and reverse the routine, with a small artificial one in the sitting room and then each year buy a real one of medium size for the conservatory. My OH will plant our present real one out in the woods.....

  • Dear All

    Just popping in to say thank you for another year of wonderful support. It has not been the best year for me with continuing health problems and the loss of my beloved sister. I am still not feeling too good unfortunately and Christmas will be very quiet. Just me, OH and Billie.

    i want to wish you all a  very Happy Christmas and New Year. Take care especially those in the path of the very stormy weather.

    Love Margo x