Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2016


The Winter Solstice is Wednesday (21 December). The return of the light!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunrise from the International Space Station
NASA photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good Morning Everyone. Good to see that your family are with you, Heather. I expect there will be moments when you want to be left alone, though, but pure adrenaline will keep you going. Love and {{HUGS}} X

  • Dense fog here this morning. Very dark and dreary.

    OH not very well this morning. He has had diarrhoea since yesterday morning, so no sleep for either of us. He will see the GP later this morning for extra tablets for his reflux, as he will have to take an increased amount. Hoping that I don't catch anything and we will still be able to go away for the holiday.

  • Oh dear, Brenda. Sorry to hear that.   Hope that the GP can help, and that all will be well.

    Dreary & damp here, now that its got light.  My OH has swept all the paths so no more soggy leaves.  Bonnie is moping around as we have given her a worming pill, which is to be given with a very small amount of food, followed by no food at all for several hours:  she must think we are being really mean!  She lost her identity disc the other day so my OH has gone out to see if he can get a new one made.

  • Thanks Linda. GP has taken bloods to check OH's blood count, as the acid he vomited was brown and she wants to check if it contained any blood. Nothing seems to be normal, recently.

    Poor Bonnie. Worming and starvation. She will probably start sulking :-))

  • As long as she doesn't take it out on the Christmas tree ...

  • Good that your GP is checking lots of things, Brenda, to get a good overview. I do hope he is over the worst and it was just a 24 hr thing.

    Bonnie is looking confused and gazing at us with big brown eyes, wondering what she's done wrong. But dogs have to be wormed regularly in case they pick anything up when out - she tried to carry home a dead seagull recently, for instance! My OH has had a new ID disc made for her, let's hope it takes longer for her to lose this one (it's her third one).

    Got more cards from friends and relatives this morning, so am rearranging them all on the shelves. Must say, this year they are all beautiful cards and it's fun admiring them. We have bits of tree and tinsel on the carpets but Bonnie has been good (so far!) and not eaten anything........

  • Pat O said:

    As long as she doesn't take it out on the Christmas tree ...

    See my post, above which crossed with yours Pat!  -  maybe it's just a matter of time.....

  • Morning all. Sending special hugs for Heather - and Margo too - for what must be an extremely difficult time for both.

  • Hello Annette -  Hope that King is recovering.

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    I was sad to see that Rabbi Lionel Blue has just died, aged 86. He was a lovely human being.

  • Yes, Lionel Blue was a very down-to-earth 'Christian' Jew.  I always enjoyed his 'Thought for the Day' slots.  A very humble man who had overcome a lot of difficult things in his life and was prepared to share them in the hope that his openness could help others.  I'm sure it did.