Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 December 2016


Everyone have a wonderful week.

White Peony
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Yes, OG we have a downstairs bathroom, got grab rails fitted etc. He is just so very unstable. I will have to arrange help with showering. All depends what they say at the hospital. My heart is breaking. Sorry to post such a downbeat thing but hope that all my friends on here will forgive xx

  • Heather - Sorry you have such a lot on your plate right now. Such a lot to think about. {{HUGS}} xx

  • Got a lot done today. Just had a big plate of beef stew to celebrate.

    My OH refuses to give in to being in recovery, & spent most of the morning up a ladder in the rain, putting up our outside lights. Then he went out delivering cards around the town. In the afternoon, he rested a little!

    I looked out a whole box of children's books I've been storing, and then found another box underneath it, also full!  Some of them have gone back in a box as they're too old for them yet. Now have to decide which child gets which ones, of the set I decided on. I buy books throughout the year and keep them to be given at Christmas and birthdays.

  • Just been outside to see how our lights look, now it's properly dark. They're all white ones, and one of the bushes has twinkle effects. As I suspected, the new led light bulbs in our nearby streetlight are rather bright and reduce the effect, but never mind.

    I've had a card from an old friend which has a note in it saying that her son has got married. Sadly, she has not added her new address, and I'm not sure now if she's still at the old one I have. Grr.

  • Hi LINDY!

    OH and I are tucked up in bed but he keeps moving one way only! I now have eighteen inches of space LOL.

    Good that you have a plentiful supply of childrens' books. Nothing like being prepared!

  • If she has moved, hopefully the new people will forward post to her.  Or possibly she has arranged for the Post Office to redirect.  Or perhaps she hasn't moved at all ...

    I'm so relieved I don't send Christmas cards.  This all started many years ago when we were in a job where we had a choice - everybody or nobody.  We couldn't afford 'everybody' so it was 'nobody'.  However, these days I send e-cards - lovely selection.  I choose individual cards for everyone, and write personal messages - no 'block postings'!  So it takes as long as writing cards - but doesn't cost nearly as much!  For the few people who are not on e-mail, I do send a few cards.

    I'm not too much of a 'bah humbug' person, but this time of year is so busy I don't seem to have much spare time to enjoy it!  But I do enjoy reading and hearing about other people's preparations - is that hypocritical?

  • I had not written a card out for my forgetful friend, as she did not tell me last year whether she got my card, then.  So this year is a repeat.  I did say last time "I hope this reaches you" but no idea if its been a waste of card & stamp.  Sigh.  Anyway, I've sent one to her now, with the only address I have, saying I'm glad there has been a wedding.  We have known each other since we were seventeen, but I lost her when we were in our twenties and then found her again over 12 years later and two husbands ago.... that husband is now an ex, and so are two subsequent boyfriends.... she is quite a gal!

    Was so cross this morning when I'd taken care to write on here with replies to folks, then lost it all as the whirligig just went around.  Now I've forgotten what I wrote, then, as so much has happened today between.

    Pat - I do get annoyed that people seem to be sitting around enjoying the Christmas preparations whereas I seem to be running around with endless lists etc. and wondering if I'll ever get everything done, even though I plan for it and as I said before, even buy things throughout the year to try and get ahead.  I like to hear about others family traditions, as everyone seems to have different ideas as to how and when things are to be done.

    I send some e-cards myself, they are a nice way to keep in touch.  But a lot of my friends are not online, and its rather annoying.  I had to go and get a series of photos printed out to send to my cousin the other day, with her Christmas card, as she will never see the pictures I put online. 

  • Heather B said:

    Hi LINDY!

    OH and I are tucked up in bed but he keeps moving one way only! I now have eighteen inches of space LOL.

    Good that you have a plentiful supply of childrens' books. Nothing like being prepared!

     Hope you don't roll out of bed, Heather.  My OH is tall, so used to pinch the end of the bed for somewhere to put his large feet! Or else he had to leave them hanging out at the end of the bed.  Nowadays we have two large single beds pushed together and harmony reigns, as we can each have our own space and our own duvet. I sleep better than I have for years....

    Must get off to bed, now, come to think of it. To sleep, perchance to dream. Goodnight All.

  • Lindybird said:

    Hi LINDY!

    OH and I are tucked up in bed but he keeps moving one way only! I now have eighteen inches of space LOL.

    Good that you have a plentiful supply of childrens' books. Nothing like being prepared!

     My OH is tall, so used to pinch the end of the bed for somewhere to put his large feet! Or else he had to leave them hanging out at the end of the bed.

    [/quote]How tall?  Clare is 6 feet and her feet sometimes stick out at the end of the bed.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Evening all: Another busy day. Daughter is moving her two remaining horses to Arizona tomorrow (don't ask me to explain!) then flying back, then g/daughter and Ms D arriving the 23rd. Too much going on!

    dibnlib: Sorry the phone calls with your Mom haven't worked out, but I'm with you in terms of doing what you need to be able to live with  yourself. Take care!

    Clare: Waxwing is lovely. Goldfinches have must less gold on them that the ones we have; very smart black and white markings though.

    AQ: Hmmm. Not sure what the US equivalent of Cruskits might be. You'd think they'd need to be a bit sweet for the dessert toppings, but apparently they work for sweet and savory.

    Heather:  How long will your OH be in the hospital for assessment?  Has anyone suggested a scan to see if he's had something other than TIAs? Please don't apologize for keeping us updated; we're all concerned and interested.

    Lindybird: I spent ages in Chaucers (local wonderful bookstore) the other day trying to figure out what Ms. D would like - I was overwhelmed with the choice and left with nothing. (I still like When We Were Six.)  Were you and your  mislaid friend at school together? Maybe they have a website for former students. Or you might Google her. Re Christmas traditions, I think we're going to do dinner on Christmas Eve this year, so we can have a nice big easy breakfast Xmas morning, then loll about eating leftovers the rest of the day. Otherwise, there's the opening gifts bit, followed (or coinciding with) the preparing dinner bit,  followed by the clean up bit!  So much preparation for just one day.  Do your beds individually adjust to different positions?

    PatO: I send Jacquie Lawson cards for various occasions; do you have any favorite websites?  

    Got all the cards organized and the UK ones mailed today. Phew.

    Hope Tuesday is kind to all....