Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 December 2016


Everyone have a wonderful week.

White Peony
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Meant to say, we are having many more Tits visiting this year.  Always had some Coal Tits, but getting the Great Tits and Blue Tits this year too, in multiple numbers - but still no Long Tailed Tits.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Linda – If Owlbert would like a holiday where the weather is warmer, send him DownUnder. Better still bring him yourself!


    Heather - Glad you have been able to rearrange your home to suit.


    Dibnlib – Keep trying with your mum. Maybe she will get used to you calling if you can ring when carer is with her.


    Cruskits are a grown-up bic by Aussie maker Arnotts. To quote blurb - “the perfect choice for a deliciously light lunch or snack. They're puffed and toasted to be light and crunchy, but with less than 60 calories per serve, you're free to load them up with more of the delicious toppings you love”. We top with savoury but I see sweet too.

  • Dibnlib - You're quite right, it's best that you do visit now & then. I meant that the person who stopped her visiting, probably felt bad about it, later. I didn't explain myself very well. 

    I'm quite tired now, been sort of multi tasking all day and had a couple of family phone calls which have finally sorted out the present giving, phew!

    Thanks for the descriptions of Cruskits, AQ -  they look a lot like something we have here but I forget the name: they taste of absolutely nothing but have hardly any calories. I used to eat them smothered in huge slices of cheese when on a diet, so I might as well have had a slice of bread, LOL!  I'm already packing for my and Owlberts trip Down Under.......

  • Lovely photos, Clare.  Never seen a waxwing, even though our neighbour claims he had a tree full of them a couple of years ago. :-(

  • LINDY   You explained perfectly about your friend and I do hope she didn't feel bad about not visiting. My GP told me that many people do not visit in the end.

    AQ  It is hard when I remember that we used to enjoyed long phone calls twice a week. Her carers do not come in at a fixed time otherwise I would make a call to suit. As I said we thought the best solution was to ask my brother to set a phone call once a month, but as with all his other agreements,this didn't last beyond one month.

    Swim and coffee with a friend this morning. Must also post parcels and return library books. Walking with a friend this afternoon. We were meant to walk together on Saturday but she overslept. 

  • Good morning, All.  A couple of small parcels for baby today, then that’s the posting done – until Dau#2 birthday on 31st!  I thought I had a letter to do today, but I see friends (actually our favourite B&B) have already left on a 12-week holiday to warmer climes – including about 6 weeks in Australia; I shall have to postpone news to them till Easter!

    Diane – thanks for starting the new week.  I hope your weather will not prevent your trip to Indianapolis for a cosy week with the dogs!

    AQ – pleased that Nanny Day last week went well.  I hope your Daughter won’t need too many shopping days between now and Christmas!  Did you say they are coming to you this year, or have I mis-remembered that from someone else?  Thanks for explaining Cruskits!

    Linda – I agree that children have far too many social engagements at this time of the year – well, actually, methinks, too much going on in their lives all year through and no time to just be children!  Sorry your OH had such a bad time with that throat infection, and I hope he didn’t do too much yesterday when he began to feel better.  Like your fluffy Owl – agree about the hairstyle!

    Heather – sorry to see your update, but pleased you have resolved some of the problems with a change of rooms.  Do you have a downstairs bathroom, or will elderly care be making arrangements for regular showers?  I know some local health boards cover this by using facilities in local care homes.  I must admit I thought all along he might have been having strokes/TIAs but didn’t like to try diagnosing over the internet!

    Dibnlib – I am sure the Christmas season makes it harder for you to deal with the separation from your Mum, and I find it very sad that your Brother does not make it easier for you to have a brief chat to her and hear her voice.  But your occasional short visits are the way to go; you can do no more.  I hope your OH’s doctor visit is helpful today.

    Later, we are going for the usual lunch on the way to M&S Foodhall and Asda.  This evening, we are going to the Christmas concert at the Academy; J has been practising in the Staff and Senior’s choir this term; it will be our first time in about 21 year of going to hear him in a school choir!  So this morning I am “resting” as two outings in one day make me very tired.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Had a frustrating start to the day today, several hours ago, as my post simply wouldn't post - and of course I had written a lot!....

    Hope you like my seasonal avatar....  back later.

  • Actually, is it me or are the avatars much too small to see what they are, now?!

  • Yes, they appear to have shrunk.  I can barely make mine out.

    It's worth mentioning that if anyone goes to your profile page it's somewhat bigger and the details can be seen.  Very nice, Lindy!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OH going into community hospital tomorrow for assessment. GP came today, assessed mobility and said there was a huge safety issue with him at home. Then his parting shot was 'But of course, he could fall in hospital and fracture his hip'. Reasssuring, or what?