Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Sending good energy to everyone coping with adversity.

White-Tailed Deer Eating Snow
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

  • Thank you, Margo.

    Oh dear, Linda. Hope it gets restored soon.

  • margobird said:
    I feel guilty that I am still here, we never imagined that we would lose her first.

    Ouch.  That's something I'm sure she wouldn't want you to feel.  We'll be thinking about you both tomorrow as you carry out such a sad task.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We went for our walk, which was pleasant as it's stopped raining today, and the wind's died down. We were hoping to find the water back on again when we got home, but it wasn't restored until 1 o'clock.  Meanwhile, my OH had done the neighbourly thing and gone round to the elderly gentleman next door, with a bucket of water out of our water butt, so that they could flush the loo. 

  • MARGO - You must be exhausted, with the emotional strain and the devastation of losing your dear sister in such a way. We are all thinking of you, and giving you {{BIG HUGS}}.

    I hope that you can manage tomorrow without too much upset, but of course it will be a sad task, as Clare says. XXX

  • MARGO - Wishing you all strength to cope with the difficult days ahead - love from here xx

  • Margo: My thoughts are with you. I'm sending you strength and a big hug.

  • Morning all:

    Margo: Life is very strange - all the unexpected twists and turns. Love and strength to you, your lovely OH and the rest of the family in the days ahead.

    Diane: Lightning seems better this morning already - but wait a minute - she's just wondered off somewhere and I have to follow her...... Oh dear, accident on the Oriental rug. :-(  Still, at least things are flowing again. Will keep an eye out to see water intake in case we have a diabetes recurrence. Oh joy.

    Brenda: The tangerines are wonderful; I pick them and eat them while I'm surveying the garden. I remember finding one in my Christmas pillow case and thinking what a treat it was. I'm sure your DiL will heal up beautifully - she's young!   I saw that the winds there were expected to be very strong; stay cozy. We got a flash flood warning today for areas burned by all the fires this summer (not our immediate area); no vegetation left and the bare soil can't absorb the rain, hence mudslides possible.

    Lindybird: No advance notice about the water cutoff then? Not good on a Sunday - who do you call to find out what's going on? Hope your OH doesn't have to make too many trips next door.

    Plan to get dinners for the week ahead sorted today so must start now before I get derailed like yesterday.

  • Margo please don't feel guilty. I'm sure you were a great comfort to your sister in her final weeks. I lost both of my brothers to cancer and know how traumatic it is.

    Diane love the pic of the deer and glad to see you are getting your winter supplies in.

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Kind regards


  • Great to see Andy win. He is also definitely No. 1 in the world.

    Ed Balls survives for another week in Strictly. The public really are saving him.

  • Annette, I hate the thoughts of flash floods and landslides. So destructive, life threatening and frightening. I sincerely hope that there are no casualties.

    The rain has arrived here again :-((

    Linda, I hope your water has been restored by now.