Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Sending good energy to everyone coping with adversity.

White-Tailed Deer Eating Snow
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

  • I will be offline for a couple of weeks - computer needs a heart transplant - ie new motherboard. Will be relying on laptop which is mainly for running weather station and travelling and monitoring.


    I don't ask for much -

    Just three meals a day, and no large fancy car.

    I've never been one to yearn for a facelift:

    You should be happy with how you are.

    I don't want to wear the fashionable hues

    Or have the lastest gimmicky phone -

    I just would like a comfy bench

    Where I can park my weary bones!

  • ForestBoar said:

    I will be offline for a couple of weeks - computer needs a heart transplant - ie new motherboard. Will be relying on laptop which is mainly for running weather station and travelling and monitoring.

    Sorry you've got to have the added hassle of computer problems, Keith :-(

    Hope it can be sorted out easily.

  • Hello all, not been on for a while.

    Margo - just read about your sister. My thoughts and prayers are with you. She was a brave woman and at least she is out of her pain now.  God Bless.

    Hello Diane and Annette - enjoy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

    Not too much to say except at long last work has resumed on my family home. Don't know when it will be finished so will not be going up to see my brother this year - hopefully in the New Year.

    Had a lovely weekend, last week.  Dau's 40th birthday last Monday so had family and friends round on the Saturday. Going out for a meal with colleagues from work this Saturday.  Can't believe she is 40.

    Do hope everyone is keeping safe and well, even if the weather is a bit miserable at times.  Take care all.

  • LYNETTE    Glad you had a good birthday get together for your daughter.

  • Good Morning. For some reason I got it in my head, that it was Thanksgiving in the USA today!


    (In retrospect!)

  • There is a Chinese Lantern show going on in a park in Leeds, if you Google it you might find it. Theyre made of Chinese silk and are the UKs biggest Lantern Festival this year.

  • Saw some amazing pics of this , thanks LINDY.

    Off for a swim in 30 mins, see you later.

  • Sunny here, and not too cold if you wrap up. Been in the garden snipping bits off shrubs, and planting some tiny daffs in a tub.

    I've been next door twice, carrying two large parcels which came for them yesterday. My OH suggested that I take them round to get acquainted with the new neighbours.  They're not very heavy parcels, but big: I can't see where I'm going when I've got them in my arms!  Both times there was no one in when I knocked on the door. Bah! (There have been at least two vans outside today, with deliveries, and last evening, Te*c# came with a big food order at 10.00pm., banging around so loudly that I peeped out of the curtains)

  • Quite a busy day here, eldest daughter here this morning and stepson and wife this afternoon. OH enjoyed the company. Hope to be back here tomorrow with more to say!!