WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2016

Look back at last week for Lindybird's lovely Remembrance Day poem and related posts.

Veteran's Day was yesterday here, but there were some events today judging by the various planes that flew in formations along the beach.   

Best thoughts to all this week..

  • HEATHER    Sorry to hear that things have taken a downturn.  Crossing fingers for you both.

    OG   lovely pic of Noel.

  • We had a good journey home, although when we stopped for a break halfway, my OH admitted to me that he had been worrying that he might have forgotten to lock the front door when we left!  When we got home, he rang the Site Warden who popped over to check for us that all was well. (and it was)

    Love the pic of Noel the reindeer, OG!

  • Very mundane stuff here - OTB lunch and Asda shopping today, then dentist for two tomorrow - OH crown fitting in morning and me first of two small fillings in afternoon - second one next week.

    Thoughts for Margo and Heather, and I hope Linda and Diane got home safe and sound.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • For anyone who is interested I have (FINALLY!) put up a profile. The hoists are working superbly and we have a learning curve to work efficiently. So far, so good.

  • Glad to hear that things are going well, Keith (thumbs up!).

  • Just been standing in the street, trying to photograph the moon - it's bright, but blurred by the damp air.

    Yesterday there were too many clouds.


  • Busy day here catching up on stuff. At yoga class this afternoon, the instructor and several of us/we? regulars agreed the second half of 2016 has been difficult to say the least.

    Off tomorrow all day for lunch in San Luis Obispo with friend whose husband died some time back. Will check in/catch up tomorrow evening.

    Take care all

  • With temp expected 34 C, Chauffeur Friend & I agreed no escape this week. I don’t think it is right to be driving around when there is risk of bushfires, strange cars upsetting locals. So much lush growth after wet winter, as soon as it dries it will be extremely dangerous. Already horrible fires in NSW & WA.


    OH is away to nanny duty. I am slowly cleaning windows, a few a day, before the Big Event in December (my turn for family dinner). I start with the windows under the verandah, assuming they will stay cleanish even if it rains. We have pretty windows with colonial panes. Over 360 little “pains”, I counted them years ago <SIGH> I ignore the corners, I ignore the top row – too high to reach. And still there are too many.

  • Good Morning, All.  Damp here but rather strangely warm!  Cooler weather predicted by the end of the week.

    AQ -  Doing windows like that really is a pain.  My parents in law had two large bay windows put in, with cute small panes in them. They looked smart from outside, but were dreadful to clean, and of course as my m.in.law aged, she could no longer cope. Her daughters had to form work parties to descend and polish them inside and out. I was looking around my kitchen yesterday and vowing that I will polish all of the wooden cupboard doors before the festive season. Ugh.

    Sorry you can't "escape" this week. :-(

  • Pleased LINDA got home and caravan was left secure: horrible when you wonder whether you have left something unlocked.

    Sorry AQ's weather has stopped a trip this week; do be careful doing those windows when you are at home on your own.

    ANNETTE - enjoy lunch trip; I am sure your presence will cheer your grieving friend.

    Very special thoughts for HEATHER and OH today - I hope he can make it to the ENT appointment.

    Bright day so far here - hoping sky will stay clear for Supermoon later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!