Everyone have a great week!
DIBNLIB - Has your Mum got any carers coming in?
HEATHER Yes she does. They come in 3 or 4 times a day to help her dress, prepare food, meds and a shower 3 times a week. She goes to a day centre 3 times a week and at least there she gets nourishing meals and there will be someone on hand to help. Unfortunately my bro says she is now reluctant to attend.
Off out to meet a friend for coffee and enjoyed a swim this morning.
We've had a very pleasant day: drove over here in lovely sunshine all the way. The autumn leaves are still mostly golden, and looked wonderful in the sun. As it's a Friday, rather than the usual Thursday when we travel, (because of my OHs golf!) we were able to set off earlier and so stopped en route at RSPB Conwy.
Here we were impressed by a really nice shop and cafe, where we had hot chocolates before walking around briefly. There are lagoons with bird hides, and of course it's right on the estuary which we hope to explore another time. The staff there were cheerful and there were a lot of cars in the car park, so it's well frequented.
There are very few visitors here on the coast so we had no trouble finding a table to enjoy fish and chips and a glass of wine tonight. We have the heating on, and have brought sweaters, but one thing I forgot to pack was my warmest coat! Luckily my OH has two here, so I wore one of them on the breezy beach this afternoon.
Love the otter, Dibnlib!!
PAT O friend tells me her Grandson is called "Noah" but after a film character and not the biblical "Noah"
I have been occupied most of day, but thought you would wish to see this extract from an e-mail sent by Margo, this evening, about her sister. I really don't know how Margo and her OH are able to cope
I'm so sorry, it must be very difficult and upsetting for Margo and the rest of her family to watch her sister go through this. Thank you for letting us know, Brenda x
Just catching up with your news, but too many pages to go back and scan. Have just picked up about Margo and her sister. It must be a real ordeal at present what with coping with her own medical condition and her sisters' too. A very brave Margo and OH supporting her - will be thinking of you all.
Thank you Brenda for posting a part of the email.
Hope, on the whole, that you are all well.
Things are coming together for dau's 40th bash. Cake and some food ordered from M&S. Going to Sainbury's tomorrow to order rest of food.
Have a good weekend , all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Oh Brenda. Thank you, but such a cruel state of affairs for dear Margo and the family.
Brenda. Thank you for the update about Margo's sister.
Birdies LG DU update.