Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2016

  • Love that story, PAT. I would have made the same mistake. We obviously do not watch enough 'soaps'

  • Heather,  Sympathies for you. Your OH's ear problems did seem to develop quickly. I hope the next appt. can help him.

    I have to smile, though, at your descriptions of your OH. They seem very familiar!

    I hope his son can help to cheer him up.

  • Thinking of Diane, who  has a very difficult time ahead. I hope all goes well.

    Also hope Dibnlib has better news of her Mother.

  • A friend of mine was rendered speechless when her son told her that her new grandson was to be named Elijah.  She really didn't know what to say, it was so unexpected.  I notice that Noah has become popular again. It seems rather odd that Biblical names are suddenly fashionable now, when not as many people go to church or chapel any more.

    But I think that Miriam is really pretty... :-)

    Thanks for all the good wishes for my weekend away. -  I've packed my thermals, hats and scarves. And made my OH promise that we can have the heating on!!

  • Our hairdresser's wee boy is called Isaac.  So far as we know she has no connection with Christianity or Judaism.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • My nephew's daughter was going to be named Renesmee until my sister in law found out that it the name of a female vampire in a series of books that was popular a few years ago! She managed to persuade them to call the baby Esme.....

  • Very deep frost here this morning - glad I am not going anywhere.  I hope it's safe for any who are on the road today!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks OG --  frosty start here....off to pack up and go.....

    Safe journeys to everyone, now it's really winter, brr!

  • Should have mentioned: also bright sunshine!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HEATHER  Do like the name Esme

    Mums out of hosp and bro is not at all impressed with the way she was cared for.  No one had tried to help her with her food and although he had taken in her toothbrush etc, it hadn't been used. It turned out to be another UTI, something she is now prone to. She cannot be encouraged to drink enough, so that is part of the problem.  He did say he is going to try to get his daughters to help more. I had a feeling they didn't help at all although they live close to Mum, that is unless it was of benefit to them.  It would be good if they could pull their weight a bit.

    Andy Howard posted this a few days ago and asked if it could be shared as he felt people needed a smile.   Thanks Andy