Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • DIBNLIB- Sorry that cardioversion didn't work. Hope to hear from you re plan B, if you have time x

  • ANNETTE  yes, the innocent guising we used to do on Halloween and the "trick or treat" of nowadays are 2 totally different things despite happening on the same day.

    HEATHER OH has now gone to bed. He told me earlier that he wasn't upset about the failure of the cardioversion, but I think it has hit home now. Hope he gets news soon about the next step.

  • Yes, DIBNLIB, it is the not knowing that is the worst. Love to both of you.

    ANNETTE and DIANE- what on earth is going on with the FBI and Ms Clinton?

    ANNETTE- my OH hates medication of any kind but can be persuaded. I'm not keen on anxiolytics for him, he was prescribed Lorazepam years ago, when working for a certain tyrannical titled person. He didn't realise how habit forming they were until he forgot to take them with him when on a fishing trip. Horrible withdrawals. Elgin children enjoyed their trick or treating, despite the rain! The nuns were especially welcoming ( granddaughters go to an RC school). Children went into the convent and came out with lots of goodies.
  • Heather: Re the FBI/Clinton: That's exactly what the entire country would like to know! I'm dying to know who the "tyrannical titled person" was but understand you can't say. Re trick-or-treat with the nuns, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't some holy pictures slipped in with all the goodies.

    diblib: Hope Plan B will do the trick.

  • Unknown said:
    AQ: Let me assure you that regardless of its traditional roots, the money making aspect of Halloween is undoubtedly American in origin.

    LOLOL, Annette

    Hope to be back later with report on Sunday’s bus trip. Regular eye check + food shop this morn. OH has nanny duty pm. Chauffeur Friend pleading for another escape tomorrow - already. I don’t know yet where we are going & hence I haven’t researched what we can expect to see. HW? What’s that? No time for it!

  • Be back later to post replies, but I wanted to share this video. I've listened to it a dozen times, and it has such a positive effect on me that I thought I'd share it with you all. I just felt so much better!

    They are wild wolves on beautiful Lake Superior, north of me in Michigan. The photography on this page is wonderful, too.

  • I messed up that link above in my last post, but it's fixed now. So try again if it didn't work for you.

    Here are more really, really extraordinary videos from that photographer. They're all short, but they just improve my mood.

  • Diane: Both links take me to Facebook, which I can't access.  :-(   Oh but wait, I just did!  Amazing photos.

    AQ: Another escape? Go for it!

    Yoga was wonderful; trick or treaters are arriving. Hope we can get rid of all the candy I bought.  (Snack-sized Kit Kats are proving very popular.)OH is in "my" room watching the news, which I can't stand.  My intake of wine is increasing the closer the election gets.  :-(

    Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Annette: Yup. I highly recommend clicking on photos and just looking at her gallery. The photography is extraordinary, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on Lake Superior is one of the most beautiful places on earth, I think.

  • Good Morning to All.  Misty again, here, but a dry day forecast so I may look out some curtains to wash ready for winter. November today, already, what a shock! It's come around so fast.

    Thanks to Diane for posting the links to the beautiful photos - I had a quick look and will go back later for a further gasp!

    Heather - you're very wise getting a second opinion. A lesson I learned from more than one friend: there's no harm in it and it can sometimes even save a life.

    I hope that AQ managed her escape, with her friend.

    I feel much better now, so think my troubles were something I ate. I slept a little yesterday afternoon, and watched some tv recordings. Today I'm going to look at my photos again, so will be posting some on here later.