Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • Report on last Sun trip. Morning coffee/snack at Kapunda bakery, brief look in library/tourist info (open at 10 am). Onwards, through Eudunda to Sutherlands. Few houses, hotel (has good beer garden according to those who checked), ex-church & first Eudunda Farmers store. In 1890s farmers sending mallee wood to city by train formed a co-operative, purchasing groceries & farm supplies in return. This co-op spread across state. Stores began closing when demand changed 1980s. My pic of Sutherlands a few days ago here. Other pics still WIP.


    Next stop Bower. 2 Lutheran ex-churches with their cemeteries. At one church we peeked through gaps in whitewashed windows to see pews & pulpit. It must have closed recently. On dirt road adjacent to 2nd church, along came 2 large trucks bearing road-making machines. They had to wait while stragglers filed on board & bus could move aside. I bet they were as surprised as we were!


    Next was Peep Hill Lutheran church & cemetery at a crossroads. The school & post office long gone. It was so windy that I nearly blew over while snapping my pics. Church was used in Gallipoli film “The Water Diviner”. Apparently Russell Crowe rode his horse back & forth past the church for the camera.

  • Now it is time for lunch in Eudunda. Bus stopped halfway between 2 options, roadhouse & bakery. Hotel doesn’t do food or coffee. Yes, Annette, I was in the bakery. It was so windy I abandoned my plan to walk the streets capturing churches. Also it started to rain. Meeting our driver, our group mutinied and convinced him to bring the bus down main street to collect us. I spent the rest of our hour in the museum. Memo – worth another visit.


    “Fed & watered” we travelled to Australia Plain. Half a dozen houses, ex-church, ex-school. Windy & dusty.Next on to ex-church & cemeteryat Julia – this one was Anglican. Back to the main road, to the former Lutheran seminary, seminary moved to city 1922, now private house, church with its golden tower still in use. On to Tarnma, known as Friedrichswalde before anti-German hysteria in WWI, 2 more ex-churches, few houses. Through Marrabel & Saddleworth to coffee stop in Riverton, then home.


    Annette - If you want to wander with Google StreetView, to find Sutherlands -34.155, 139.222, Australia Plain -34.097, 139.155. Here are coords of cemeteries that will take you to other settlements we visited. Bower 1) -34.121, 139.3579, 2) -34.1266, 139.3564, Peep Hill -34.1469, 139.1545, Julia -34.1141, 139.0274, Point Pass (seminary) -34.0883, 139.0522, Tarnma -34.1467, 138.9536

  • Bah!!  Been trying to post for an hour.....

  • Oh!  Its working.....

    Thanks for your posts, AQ - love the name, Peep Hill!  You sound as if you had a good time, apart from the road menders!

    Keith:   How annoying.  Many swearywords allowed.  Hope the engineers can get there soon and you can be up and going.  What you need on your Christmas List is one of those self refilling whisky bottles!

  • Lindy: Where can you find them!!!!!

    Anyway, we are now in a go situation – hooray! If two well built men can hang off the hoists I do not think they are going anywhere. When they rang for the loading expert? He was apparently in London. Sooo used the bathroom system and worked brilliantly, just need to work out the best way of using it. Showers again tomorrow Yay! Now we get to try out the bedroom system. Its got to be better than how we were doing it before.

  • Morning all:

    Diane: Interesting about your town - are the people all out working on farms or something or maybe in nearby larger towns?  Still, that's a small population. Wonder what it was in its heyday. Is all the farming there now done on an industrial scale?  How nice that RTH's mate went to town too.

    Keith: Geez Louise!  How frustrating. I see things are more settled now but assume loading expert will still have to check. Hope the bedroom system works smoothly. I like Lindybird's Christmas List suggestion; wonder if they make self-filling systems for wine....

    AQ: Will check out Sutherlands et al later, maybe when election news comes on this evening. Blech!

    Off to scope out lunch, then to the gym, then maybe trip to garden center.  All that rain we had made the soil so easy to dig that I now have a big hole where an old plant died and a new (drought-resistant) plant can go.

    Take care all.

  • Annette: I could go with the self filling wine as well! this was difficult as I had a cat on lap, wanted to press different keys

  • Hi all, sorry no post as have been busy, OH' s infection has returned but I've got more ABs for him, lots of phone calls involved but all will be fine.

    Thanks to all for your news. Had a mental picture of RTH other half looking after DIANE as she walked into town :-)

  • KEITH   I agree with LINDY, more whisky needed.   Hope everything now works smoothly for you.

  • Sorry that your OHs infection has come back, Heather.

    Keith -  My Other Half seems to think that the whisky renews itself: but funnily enough, it does it just after I've been shopping.......