WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Heather - Sorry your OH had a wobbly moment. Agree with Annette that sometimes first thing when you arise from your bed is a time to take things slowly. Hope you are happy with how the kitchen is looking!

    OG - Good to hear that both you and J are recovering now.  

  • Hello all -

    DIANE - How great to hear from you, thank you for taking the time to update us, when you are so tired and busy.

    AQ - I am going to take the tour, like ANNETTE, when I am in bed this evening! Thank you. I'm glad that your knee stood up to things x

    OG - Sounds as if you had a good meal and then coffee at the OTB! Good to hear that J is feeling better and that you are almost back to normal. Labyrinthitis is one of the possible diagnoses for my OH - and I would hope that is the case, because it may gradually fade away once the infection clears.

    LINDY - Hope you are feeling less tired, today. Sorry, but have forgotten when you leave for warmer climes. Shoes to pack, toenails to get painted..... I'm very happy with the kitchen, so far. I'm using the oven but have quite forgotten the electrician's instruction re the induction hob. Will have to read the booklet! I really wanted a gas hob, but my hands are gradually getting worse (Dupuytren's Contracture) and I don't want anything that might be fiddly to clean, since I am the only housework person here!

  • Thanks, Heather. I am less tired, after a good night's sleep. We leave on our hols on Sat 1st October. I've been laying out clothes on our spare bed, and now our Eldest has just rung to say can we put him up on Wednesday! Shall have to find somewhere to put them without crushing until he leaves.

    Glad you like the kitchen! Never had an induction hob, though I believe they're very good. Do know that you need special pans for them, usually.

  • I'm summoning up all the swearywords I know, as Awful Cousin is due to arrive here on Friday, and she has already created chaos as the elderly cousin who is supposed to be putting her up has just  admitted to my sis-in-law that she really cannot cope with anyone staying in her house!  I could have told everyone that, as she is increasingly frail herself, and she tried to tell Awful Cousin on the phone that, but was over ridden by Cousin who always claims to one and all, that "I'm no trouble, and I just want somewhere to lay my head!"

    Sis-in-law is now resigned to once again having to be the one who acts as hostess:  she is not relishing this one iota. We are ALL very cross!  Sadly, sis-in-law would have had chaos in her house in a few days by having a new bathroom due to be installed, but has just been told by the plumber that he can't do it this week!  So no handy excuses..........

  • Good afternoon everyone and thank you for thinking about me. I have been keeping up to date when I could but I have been helping SiLs sister who has been having a bad time with her Insurance company when her washing machine sprung a leak and has caused some water damage to the floor it was also discovered when machine was repaired the mechanic had dislodged a pipe from the heating system and this is what caused the problem but nobody would take responsibility for it.

    I have been thinking a lot about the problems that Diane has been having and hope she finds everything OK when she gets back home. I also hope that Margo is feeling better and that her and her O/H are taking full advantage of the good weather when it appears I also hope her sister gets better soon. To everybody else who have been having problems get well soon. Heather it is time to take a rest and let someone else do the cleaning up after the kitchen is finally finished otherwise you wont be able to appreciate it.

    I have also been changing my internet provider and have been having problems getting everything to speak to one another so after fighting with it for a while I have just switched everything off and left it to the next day. I am still having some problems with my printer but as I don't use it a lot it can wait.

    I will try not to lurk as much in the future and wish everyone a pleasant evening.

    george g

  • Diane, Good to hear from you. As Heather said, thanks for taking the time to update us.

    George's second paragraph is very eloquent, and I think, echoes what most of us are thinking. (thanks, George) Sorry you are having problems yourself.

    Heather, Lindy, I now have an induction hob. I love it. Very easy to clean, and it simmers stews (a favourite of OH's) beautifully. I easily found a set of suitable saucepans in that well known kitchen shop I think most of us know and love!

    You trip sounds interesting, AQ.  Glad your knee wasn't too much of a problem.

    Your coffee stop sounded fun, except that I would't have liked to have been the one behind the counter!

  • LINDY- not surprised that you are so angry about the dreaded visit. The lady in question is obviously very thick skinned and also very selfish.

    ROSY- Yes, will visit That Shop!!  

    GEORGE- do hope you didn't feel hassled but good to hear from you. You are indeed a Good Samaritan to the ladies in your family. They must be very grateful to have you.

    Our dinner tonight was totally different from what I thought it would be. I am guilty as charged of not labelling things,when I put them in the freezer. So, what I thought was mince ( as in mince and tatties) eventually turned out to be stovies but before that was possibly beef stew!

  • LOL, Heather!   Hope whatever it was, it was edible!

    Nice to see a post from you, George.  I meant to add my concerns to others who have mentioned your name recently, but my brain is very scatty just now. Good to hear that you are alright. I see that as Heather remarked, you have been doing good deeds by helping others out. Sounds like a difficult problem.

  • Very busy early this evening: a sudden phone call asking if my OH could possibly make up the numbers in a team for a bowling match. He has not played for months, and had no time to practice. However, I tried to put a quick dinner on the table with some grilled burgers and a baked potato, plus some of our yummy green beans.

    Then sis-in-law arrived with more news of our unwelcome visitor, plus some Peppa Pig and Early Learning DVDs for our granddaughter Amber. Whilst Bonnie was busy greeting our visitor and her granddaughter, I turned over the burgers, but later on forgot them and they were an interesting colour by the time my OH rescued them!  We ate them hurriedly and he rushed off....  Then I had a phone call from our Eldest about his visit tomorrow. He and his wife, and Amber have just returned from a week in the South of France.

  • LINDY- glad I'm not the only one to have catering mishaps! The stovies were fine, by the way and my OH has just enjoyed creme brulee ( alas, not home made) with fresh raspberries.