WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Pat --  There are some on here, who seem to have realised that I can't resist buying shoes! ;-)

  • Thank you, Annette for starting the week.

    Sorry about your UTI, OG. Not nice. Hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks for news of Diane. A very difficult time for her.

    Lindy, I can see you have a problem!

    Post some pics of your shoes on here, and we will help you choose! LOL!

    Could you hide a pair in your OH's suitcase? Would he notice? My OH always packs twice as many socks than he needs.Don't ask me why. Such a waste of space!

  • Evening all: Went into the garden this morning and forgot to come in - almost. Things just keep growing!

    OG: Good that you got to "chat" to Diane yesterday - she probably appreciates the opportunity to talk to someone on the outside, so to speak.  Sorry you not only felt unwell but were unable to make the concert; J too. Hope you both feel better tomorrow.

    Lindybird: Comfy shoes for the ship I hope.  :-)   How long has the house next door been on the market?

    PatO:  Funny response to Lindy's post. :-)

    Wonder if AQ enjoyed her day trip, how is Margo doing, and of course Diane, dealing with such distressing family problems.

    Best thoughts to all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Not slept well as we were both too hot in the night, even though it's supposed to be cooling down now.

    Rosy - I never pack 'his and hers' suitcases these days, after once losing my case en route and having to wear one of my OH's T shirts for 2 days until it arrived! Now I mix everything up. I'm restricted only by the way my OH weighs everything meticulously before we leave. EDIT: I do all the packing, as he's not to be trusted to remember everything!

    Annette - I should be able to fit lots of comfy shoes in, now that some of the fashionable flat ones are so light :-)

  • Good morning, all.

    A lovely day here but quite cold first thing.

    Hope that you are feeling somewhat better, OG.

    We had a bad start to the day, my OH got up, lost his balance and almost fell on his way to the bathroom. I was still asleep but heard the noise and ensuing very loud sweary words. I woke up, jumped out of bed and shouted out all at the same time, thinking that he had fallen down the stairs and wondering what I would find. I'm not sure which of us was the most shaken but have to say that he recovered much faster than I did! He has gone to the bowls both to play and chat with the 'boys'.

    LINDY/ROSY - I do all the packing here. My OH has no sense of colour matching and would arrive with ten pairs of socks none of which would match any of his light weight trousers. Perhaps I am being small minded, but that kind of thing bothers me, whereas he doesn't care at all.

    Thinking about MARGO, BRENDA and of course, DIANE. We haven't heard from GEORGE for a while and I hope all is well with him.

  • Urgh - lost my post a second time.  Nothing important.  Going out soon, may get back later.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Soo annoying when that happens,OG!

  • News Bulletin:  We've just been told that the house next door has, finally, been sold. (It's been on the market for nearly a year).  A young couple, say some of our neighbours. It will be nice to see signs of life after it looking desolate for about three years. 

  • Sounds good, LINDY. I hope that you will get on well. My youngest daughter and family have bought a house recently. Most of the neighbours are older but are extremely friendly. Offering help, tools, etc.

    Kitchen work going on fine but I am beginning to feel tired! The electrician has just been in for the last time. He told me that I was looking shattered(!) and asked if I had considered getting someone in to clean house etc after the kitchen is finished. There is quite a lot of dust around, despite me closing doors. We will see...

  • Ooh! Heather --  I remember the dust!